Hi, guys!
I have something sweet for you. I started to work on a software, that will help us all to deal with PPK process. Everyone, who is doing PPK with Emlid knows, that it is pain to export points from POS files. When you have over 100 points, you feel like a zombie, while using Time Interval function in RTKLib. I have a more comfortable solution for you.
First of all, for those, who are not familiar with the problem. When you are surveying something with Survey tool and planning to do PPK afterwards, you will deal with the problem. After PPK in RTKlib, you will not get any points. You will get whole track of your movement. Inside the track, you will have also your measurements. In order to take them out, you need to filter POS file by time and extract all the records for the time interval of the point collection. Then, you have to get a centroid of all the measurements, which roughly will be the point you were measuring. One option is to do it manually with Time interval function in RTKPlot. but, when you have over 100 points it is really time consuming. Also, you will have to calculate time corrections between UTC and GPST times.
At first, I also was clicking Time Interval endlessly. Last time, when I had to do it again, I wrote a small script in R, which just filtered all the data by time interval and calculated centroid of the points. But, not everyone wants to deal with R. That’s why I started to write a small software in Electron.js in order to do the same operation, but with some GUI. You can see the software working here:
Now, I am looking for someone to test the software with me. I am not still ready to make it public. I am thinking more about beta testing it and then making it public. Certainly, no business here. Eventually, when it will be ready, I will make it as free tool for everyone.
If you are interested in beta testing, leave a reply here, or send me a message. Software can run on Windows, Mac and Linux. I have tested only on Mac and Windows for now.
Latest software version
Posprocessor v.0.2.1