(Jaime A Becerra)
January 21, 2021, 1:11am
Hello community,
I just bought a navio2 and installed it on raspberry pi 4, and I put the os that gives emblid configured
I tried to follow that tutorial:
but when wanting to install the dependencies to the os that brings the default image(raspbian buster) and ros version (NOETIC) I always the following errors:
Reading package lists … Donate
Building dependency tree
Reading state information … Donate
E: Unable to locate package ros-kinetic-tf
E: Unable to locate package ros-kinetic-tf-conversions
E: Unable to locate package ros-kinetic-laser-geometry
I run the following to install it:
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-tf ros-noetic-tf-conversions ros-noetic-laser-geometry
thanks for you help
Hi Jaime,
Thanks for your patience. We’re checking what could be the issue with the ROS package installation. We’ll be in touch once there’s news.
(Jaime A Becerra)
January 29, 2021, 11:11pm
thanks @polina.buriak I will be pending.
Another question is it possible to use the navio 2 and its entire environment in Ubuntu 18.4? if is posible where can i find the guide
(Marc Lebret)
January 30, 2021, 9:48am
Which version of ROS do you have installed? Noetic or Kinetic?
(Jaime A Becerra)
January 30, 2021, 4:46pm
First I wanted to work in Noetic with the navio 2 but, i Found limitations with the noetic i thining work with melodic
February 14, 2021, 12:04am
@gio.widow were you able to fix the issue? thanks
Hi @gio.widow , @pkot
We’ve written the small bash-script that allows installing unsupported ROS packages. Please check your PM; I’ll share it there.
Also, we’ll add it to our docs for easier access.
Hi @svetlana.nikolenko
I have similar problem with installing ROS packages.
Could you share the script please?
Hi Nuthasith,
Sure. Please check your PM.
1 Like
Hi @svetlana.nikolenko , any chance you’d be able to share the script or upload it to the docs
Hi @curiosityrover ,
Yes, we have plans on adding this script to the docs. If you need the solution urgently, please let me know.
Hi @svetlana.nikolenko , yes please. If you could share the script, that’d be awesome
Sure, please check your PM.
If the packages cannot be installed using APT, you may clone them ( the sources) into your workspace ‘catkin_ws/src/’. Then you can build them by catkin_make.
Hi @svetlana.nikolenko ,
Can you share the script with me as well?
Hi Nick,
We’ve just added this script to our GitHub repository. You can clone it using this command:
git clone
cd Navio2
The script for ROS packages can be found in the Utilities/ROS-packages
For example, to install tf, tf_conversions, and laser_geometry packages, use this command:
sudo apt-get update
bash "tf tf_conversions laser_geometry"
We’ll describe this process in docs in the future. In the meantime, please let me know if something isn’t clear enough.
That worked great! Thank you so much.
September 17, 2021, 11:21pm
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