ReachView 3 Update: Redesigned Settings View

Hi Luis,

I think COGO are one of the most desired features for ReachView 3. Be sure—we won’t miss this request :slight_smile:


Keep them coming


Hi Julia,
I don’t see any project name on the log files.
I put a name on the marker as advised.

What appeared was the same only the date.


Hi Mon,

Oh, sorry, I misunderstood you. The Marker name option writes info to the RINEX header. You can see it if you open the log in a text editor or in Emlid Studio in the Skyplot tab. Usually, the marker name is used for static observations to write down the name of the point on which the log was recorded.

At the same time, this option doesn’t change the name of the file itself. Is that what you wanted to do? Why do you need such a feature? Is that for a specific project?

Can anyone tell me how to access the pole height setting? I need to change it but the icon at the top of the screen is not there. I’ve looked around but I’m just not seeing it. I’m using firmware 29.2. Thanks

Hi Julia,
If there’s a name for the log file which corresponds with the project name it would be easier to look for it’s log file rather than the date of the log which will be prone to errors.

Thanks fore the response.


A post was split to a new topic: No receivers are in ReachView

Hi @cmsauls,

I see that my colleague Liudmila has already answered you in a separate thread. If you need more help on that, let’s continue the discussion there.

Hi Mon,

Yeah, I see your point. Good feature request, thank you! I’ll pass it to the team for consideration.

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