Can anyone tell me how to access the pole height setting? I need to change it but the icon at the top/center of the screen is not there. I’ve looked around but I’m just not seeing it. I’m using firmware 29.2. Thanks
Hi @cmsauls,
You can find the pole height settings when you tap on the Plus button. There is a second black button that is responsible for setting the pole height.
Thanks for your info. I do have a question about pole vs antenna height. I am interested in acquiring the actual antenna height. Does the Reachview 3 app automatically add the height “about 6cm” from the bottom of the RS+ to the internal antenna when inputting the pole height? Couldn’t I simply measure the distance from the bottom of the pole to the internal antenna and NOT use the height of the adapter in the Reachview 3 app? I also need this real antenna height for the M300 RTK2 when using NTRIP adjustments. I’m a little confused since there is nowhere to add the antenna height. Thank you for your help.
Where would you measure to?
The point you’re looking for, the Antenna Phase Center, basically only exists if you are a radiowave. It doesn’t exist physically. It is also frequency dependent, so it differs from L1 frequencies to L2 frequencies.
When you set your pole height there is a diagram of the antenna location. It is very similar to the L1 & L2 antennas located at the top of the RTK2. If the diagram of the antenna shown in the Reachview 3 app is not correct, then what are they referring to?
We are talking about a measurement that is in need of being very precise.
In that sense, it is much much easier to the Antenna Reference Point, which is the bottom of the RS2 and then add the ARP-APC offset.
Yes, I agree. Thanks for your help.
2 posts were split to a new topic: Antenna height screen disappears
Hi @cmsauls,
I also wanted to share the link to the post you can check out explaining how to set the antenna height; it should be of great help:
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