Ahhh… Chrome! Well, that works a whole lot better. Almost as expected.
Using Chrome, the controls turning logging on and off seemed to work initially. However, after recording points for 30 min, it seemed to lock into record no mater what. I did lose wifi connection for a short time while logging but regained it swiftly. I verified wifi was working while I trying to make this change. Refreshing the page showed the toggle off but the byte counter was still incrementing.
How do we export/convert a UBX file to RINEX now?
On the Base Mode page, “Coordinate accumulation time” has no obvious units. Is it seconds, minutes, hours or a formatted time duration hh:mm:ss. Can you tell us what it is expecting at the moment?
Edit - Accidentally had page open in IE11. The scroll bar is not visible there and shows minutes.
I’m seeing this problem too. My BT device is paired, says connected, but in position output page, it just says “No info”.
I reflashed going from 1.2 to this v2 but I cant get this to connect to wifi at all.
I get to the new ReachViewer page in the browser and the “Welcome to Reach” page where it has a line “Please connect to Wifi network and install an update” So I add my network and pw and and try to connect and then after the page disconnects and refreshes it still shows the wifi is not connected in the browser.
Same issue is that it doesn’t accept PW with special characters so I have simplified both the id and pw and still wont connect and the page still has the message “Please connect to Wifi network and install an update”
Any idea why it wont connect? Is this link I use to download it the latest update? If not can you please send the right link? Or do I need to load 2.0 first?
Problems connected to browser cache…
Hello all
I noticed yesterday that when connecting to one of reach’s wifi the other reach was showing up as an apple iphone instead of as a murata device, this is in Fing?
I was still able to connect to that reach device in reach view using the address shown for the above but only because I realized that the last part of the MAC address was same as the reach’s ie. :1B:BC
Don’t know if that is a problem with reach or fing but all other devices showed up properly.
Hey everyone!
We’ve released v2.1.2 update which fixes Serial/USB problems, misbehaving BT output and a couple of other small issues.
Small note
During the update, progress bar might pause at a 100% state for some time(usually when updating RTKLIB). It’s expected behavior, during this time the actual install is happening, so no need to worry.
v2.1.2 update fixes this with an even fancier progress bar, but you won’t see it this time.
We hope this resolves issues introduced with the previous update. Once again, thanks for the feedback!
Best regards,
Emlid Team
One of my Reach-devices (used as base) performce significant worse than zhe other one (used as rover). It looses regularily all sats and than also all sats are lost in the connected rover. But they are still on the sat screen… . Two seconds before the screen shot 6 sats where green, three seconds after again.
I did not get a float or fix with 7 green sats and 19 visible. Waited 20 min.
I had cleared the cache many times, but still wont connect to wifi. Also I am updating from 1.2 to 2.1 so not sure if this is related when I read the cache issue was related to 2.09 to 2.1 upgrade?
Ok part of the way successful I think and I see they will now connect to my mobile phones hot spot and there is a solid green led showing on the board and I can see their IP address on the hot spot devices connected area (eg However now the reaches own hot spots are now not visible and I cant see them on my laptop to connect to it. What am missing here?
Hello Egor,
first of all, thank you for the feedback and your follow up.
I donwload the 2.1.2 (base & Rover).
I still cannot use RTCM correction via UART 3rd radio. TCP is working fine (as previous version).
It seems that corrections are well sent (I check with hyperterminal connected to a 3rd receiver); so it seems that the rover cannot interpret/catch correclty RTCM ?
Is there a log book where we can trace bug/fix/enhancement regarding version?
When do you plan to release a 10Hz RTK output solution?
Could you share any details of your setup? In this version serial must work.
Correction input tab has a status line. What does it say? Is it clickable? If it opens a more detailed status post it here as well.
We definitely have plans to introduce in-app update notifications and changelogs. If the beta tests continue to be this productive, we will formalize it one way or another.
uart at 57600bauds rtcm3
status: connect at /dev/ttyMFD2
seelm to be clickable ( hand when hover) but not details appear
using latest firefox 50.0 on win8
Few items to check if these are bugs or not.
Firstly, seems there is no way to update from within ReachView v1.2 to 2.1.* or even 2.09 from what I could see?. Then the new download fw to flash with is still using 2.09 and then it doesn’t work to set the Wifi in many browsers very well so I got stuck there at first. (I wasted more than a whole day trying to get past this first step!.) Would also be nice to see which version its at and going to when at that "welcome to ReachView update screen.
I suggest to please have a link to the newest FW update files as you post them so people updating from v1.2 get the latest fw to flash with and one without the buggy 2.09 ?
When I change the coordinates format from LLH to XYZ it doesn’t hold and always reverts back to LLH after I switch pages.
When I changed over to use another wifi network, it lost most of the settings and I had to redo them all again. Is there anyway to save the settings or back them up?
I set the coordinates accumulation time to 15min but it seems to take much longer. Sometimes up to 30min to 1hr or more to get a Base coordinate fix. This is even when I have constant 6 to 8 sats well over 45
Sometimes in Rover it shows I have 8-9 sats over 45 but when i go to the Base screen it might only show 4-5 sats over 45. When this happens it sits often in Float mode mostly but can also be in fix mode. (inconsistent?)
I like to dedicate one browser wholly for Reach use to avoid cache issue etc. I tried Opera for this. When first loading ReachView in Opera it doesn’t get past the Emlid logo first page screen. Once I load it up in either IE or Firefox, after then it loads ok in Opera. Except the settings might be all different again. This also might happen when switching from IE to Firefox they settings seem different sometimes. I suppose this is again a cache issue?
Presets for Base and Rover.
Ability to Save settings and save them as presets.
Updated documentation, which no doubt is in the queue. But a quick setup guide for now would have saved me quite a few hours.
Thats all for now, and many thanks for all the great work on this new update.
Could you attach a screenshot?
A couple of things to check at this point:
- The radios might be configured to work on a different baud rate. You try sending NMEA and checking the other end. NMEA is text based, so you will be able to see the data is coming through correctly just by looking at it.
- Is there any chance you have RX/TX wires mixed up on the radio connected to Reach?
I’ll try to address some of the mentioned issues.
The new app and even the new image are rewritten from the ground up. Updating from 1.2 is borderline impossible, even if we thought it would be worth the effort. New image contains countless new features including Linux-level modifications which will help us enable support for accessories, such as USB modems and such.
Updating from 2.0.9 is possible by going to “192.168.1.XX/updater” url. There is also a link inside the settings tab(marked with a gear).
That’s a fair point. But during this phase, we also need to test and smooth out the update experience itself and just putting out new firmware with every update would be cheating
Good idea. We’ll do something about it.
Settings are saved every time you hit apply. If they are lost, then it means something went wrong. Probably the file got corrupted. It should be connected to an unfortunate powerdown. Are there more details to this?
I don’t quite understand. What do you mean by Base fix? Does the procedure itself start?
By Rover and Base you mean two different Reaches? Check enabled GNSS in the settings. One probably has more systems enabled and therefore shows more satellites.
Most definitely. We are working on this problem.
We are currently trying to figure out a way to do this without cluttering the interface and experience.
Things still might change considerably, so it’s a little early for the docs.
Thanks for the feedback!
Bluetooth is working again. However, I’m concerned with the message “Read error” on the position output BT page. It gives this message when the BT device is paired but no app is actively “pulling” any data. My concern is that this is a misleading message.