Hi guys,
Thanks for the report! We’ll check it, and I’ll write you back.
Hi guys,
Thanks for the report! We’ll check it, and I’ll write you back.
I’m here with an update: we reproduced this and will be working on a fix. I’ll keep you posted on the news!
If you read the page ports 443 for SSL or port 2101 for unencripted. No new account, budiness as usual.
Hi guys,
We’ve just released a new 29 Beta 2 firmware with a fix, so now AUSCORS mount points should be shown in the app. Please let me know if it works for you!
Seems to work for me. However I find that when using the unsecure version via port 2101, the mountpoints load but not in order of proximity to the receiver (RS2). Not a big deal I guess, but it seems to behave differently to port 443.
Hi Tim,
Thanks for noticing! Do you use ReachView 3 on Android or iOS? Can you share screenshots of what the mount point list looks like with these 2 ports?
I use both iOS and Android but I haven’t tested it on Android yet. Attached are the screenshots from iOS. Given that port 443 now works, I’ll just use that.
Hi Tim,
Thanks for the sceenshots! It looks like ReachView 3 doesn’t receive the distance info from the 2101 port. That’s why it can’t sort the mount points by the distance.
A post was split to a new topic: Mount points not available on AUSCORS port 443
A post was split to a new topic: ‘Failed to resolve hostname’ with AUSCORS