New AUSCORS NTRIP broadcaster requires TLS certificate


Geoscience Australia have acknowledged that many NTRIP clients don’t support TLS.
The new mount point is on port 2101.
Available to June 2023

I just read that email too.

So what is the difference between the old and the new mount point?

I don’t think anything. Looks like they just extended the termination date?


Hi guys,

Thanks for sharing the news here! I believe you can use either the old or the new mount point on port 2101 for now.



This text will be hidden

Hi Alan,

I’ve checked the official website but can’t see if the planned termination date for the old address changes. I’d suggest contacting the AUSCORS support directly to check it out.

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Dear AUSCORS NTRIP Broadcaster user,

In September, Geoscience Australia, released enhancements to the AUSCORS NTRIP Broadcaster. These enhancements improve the security, availability, and performance of the platform.

To improve the security of the service we decided to only allow connections that support secure and encrypted transmission of data. We have since realised that many more NTRIP clients (software and hardware) than we expected do not yet support secure connections and many are unlikely to do so in the short to medium term.

As we are committed to continuing to support those users whose software or hardware does not enable secure and encrypted connections. Today we are providing an additional end point by which users can access the AUSCORS NTRIP Broadcaster, this end point will be available at on port 2101 . As this endpoint does not provide the same level of security, users should assess the risk of connecting for themselves.

To make connecting safer we strongly recommend:

  • that you use a unique username and password for the AUSCORS NTRIP Broadcaster (you can reset your password here,
  • that you disable the broadcasting of location data to via NMEA messages (GA does not provide a nearest base station mount point).

We will commit to making this end point available until June 2023. In the meantime, we will engage with hardware and software supplier to advocate for the use of secure protocols within the industry.

To register for an account please visit (details in webpage to be updated shortly). Support details in the below email.


Yours sincerely,

Positioning Operations Centre | National Positioning Infrastructure

Geoscience Australia

The only data moving back and forth is corrections, and your initial log in, and gga.

Is real time survey espionage a thing? Do people hack ntrip streams to get live survey data? Strange times.

Yes, I was wondering about this myself, is this a real threat, someone grabbing your NTRIP connection data??? Maybe this secure connection will be necessary for the future of driverless cars? Curious, puzzled.

Hi guys,

I think you shouldn’t face difficulties with the (port 2101) mount point. Still, the higher the level of security is, the better. We’ll implement TLS support for you to work with a more secured connection.

Ok right from lecia documents, the fear is both user registry data discovery the way its currently handled on many caster systems. Also spoofing correction streams to steer planes and ships.

So they are getting ahead of it before anyone has a chance to exploit it.

As an added bonus it makes a bunch of perfectly good gear obsolete. Emlid to the rescue as a intermediary device.

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There is a lot of legacy devices out there that are absolutely ready for retirement. A lot of units that only support GPS+GLO, requires GPS L2P legacy signals to operate.
There will always be something out that provides the last “push of death”. This seems like such an event.

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Hi guys,

Getting back with great news :tada: Starting from the new 29 Beta 1 firmware, Reach supports TLS connection with AUSCORS. Don’t hesitate to share your experience with us if you try it out!


Thanks for getting that done so quickly Kseniia. I’ve just tested it today and seems to work fine. I’ll be testing it in the field next week.

Thanks again.

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I just checked auscors port 443 and all good

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Hi guys,

Thanks for your feedback! :slight_smile:

I am not being able to view the list of Auscors mount points in 29 beta 1. I can see them in 28.4.

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Can confirm this issue - I can no longer view auscors mount points and have to enter manually.