The mapping is indeed a tad confusing. As a matter of fact I could not find a doc entry on the subject in ArduPilot documentation, either. We’ll fix it. Thanks for noticing! For now there’s a pretty good description here.
-C switch is SERIAL1
So, I suppose you can just change SERIAL1_PROTOCOL parameter to Frsky S-PORT in GCS while connected via Wi-Fi (-A udp:<ip>:<port>) and you’re good to go
really essential stuff, thanks for clearing that up. would be great if there were posts we could suggest to be added to the docs.
Couple of questions though. What does always console mean?
I should be using
-A tcp: -C /dev/ttyAMA0
would it make any difference of I used?
-C tcp: -A /dev/ttyAMA0
And as far as the UART port on the Navio2 is concerned is it bound to uartC or serial_1 and if not how is it changed?
these answers will really clear up how the navio 2 ports operate for me.
There’s a slight difference for UART ports. Default baudrate on serial_0 is 115200 whereas it is 57600 on serial_1. 3DR radios usually work on the latter. That’s why people usually go with -C switch with /dev/ttyAMA.
So if I would use serial port 0 for telemetry and serial port 1 for geo-tag images on FLIR Vue Pro, it should look like: -C /dev/ttyAMA0 -D /dev/ttyAMA1 ?
Take a look at this table that @Wildtypitch (kudos once again) had made earlier.
So I guess you can use -C /dev/ttyAMA0 switch for Vue Pro as it expects 57600 baudrate Mavlink stream.
/dev/ttyAMA0 corresponds to a port soldered out on Navio 2 and named UART.
In order to use a radio for telemetry you’d need an additional UART (i.g. FT232 or CP2102 will do). After you hook up one, this will be identified as /dev/ttyUSB0.
To sum up, this will be something like -C /dev/ttyAMA0 -D /dev/ttyUSB0.
You can also use Wi-Fi for telemetry. This is way easier: