While the Aluminium Weaver Mk3 is in progress it is the right time to plan for the 4th iteration - which will hopefully be the final one.
A lot of things have been learned.
A few things have been invented.
Most important - the purpose has been defined - which is a bit of a secret yet.
But needs possibility of field repair and rebuild.
Flights will be headless (autonomous) with neither Radio nor Video link. Only autonomous telemetry beacon will be present transmitting RSSI, GPS (if available) and altitude. However recovery is unlikely due to landscape and presence of such animals as King Cobra and others. Thus redundancy will be in focus.
Things to watch out when selecting flight plans:
Paragliders and deltaplanerists
Eagles (a lot of them there)
So probably it will be higher remote places where eagles don’t dwell.
Timelines: 2019 Q3 - 2020 Q1
Navio 2 is the FC of choice due to its highest quality and open ecosystem.
So what is different comparing to Mk3?
The frame will be 700mm (instead of 600) using same 2020 aluminium profile - which proved so far outstanding on Mk3.
Motors will be now Tarot 4008 330kv.
Props will be 15 inch.
Power system: Mauch based (including redundand power supply).
Mk4 will still be x8 - with normal takeoff weight of 6 kg with around 2.5 kg of LiIon batteries. Max thrust around 20kg.
Unsolved RnD for Mk4 - FC redundancy: is it possible and how?
Keep watching this thread as well as Mk3 thread for updates.
Renamed the project from Aluminium Weaver Mk4 to Titanium Weaver Mk1 due to class change - this is slower heavy-lift drone, while the Aluminium Weaver is faster but light-lift, and usage of titanium for the frame (central arm joint).