RS2 and M2 as a RTK/PPK

Now I’m struggling to get work RTK only not PPK

I’m outside of the room and RS2 in HOTSPOT MODE which directly connected to my laptop ,there is no router involving.

I’m sending base correction to mission planner GCS(laptop)via TCP protocol. Mission planner send those correction simultaneously with connected serial data radio(GROUND).

other pair of the(AIR SIDE) serial data radio connected to Pixhawk autopilot and M2 connected to PIXHAWK correction forwarded to M2 via PIXHAWK

this is the reference documents which related to ardupilot integration with emlid M2.

Just for a quick troubleshooting test, link the RS2 directly to the M2 it should get a fix without issue.

I think the weak link in this diagram is the laptop, does it have antivirus that needs port rules made to allow pass through of data without being filtered?

Do you have USB power saving enabled? also called Selective Suspend? If so disable it.

Is the laptop on battery or plugged in while doing the test? How are the power savings options configured?

Is the Program being affected by windows famous “Run as Administrator” glitch?

Does the telemetry radio run a windows service that needs to be set to always on?

laptop doesn’t install any antivirus software in it.

this also disabled only.

laptop running on it battery only not plugged in and battery saver turned on at 20% battery.

the MP program run as administrate mode only but don’t know about its glitch.

Today I tried with RTK setting:

The GNSS select I keep reducing disabled QZSS and BEIDOU ON BOTH RS2 and M2 .

The age of differential steady is reduced below 1s but I didn’t get rtk fixed solution …it’s still in float only.

video reference attached here:

i have used RS2 and M2 without arducopter (PIXHAWK autopilot). both connected via TCP ,now age steady is below 1s but correction is not stable .you can refer the video here:

In your video it does say solution: FIX???

It’s show fix solution but look at the age steady difference is goes above 6.5sec .

This is the scenario:
When I reduce the GNSS select setting I can get age steady difference less than 1 sec always
But solution is float only.

When I enable all GNSS select I can get fix solution but age steady difference goes about 10 sec.

I have kept only RTK setting as gps and beidou only to reduce the message size …but even and even I’m struggling with RTK fixed…really unfair

The slow down can also be slow internet/tcp.

Which means I cannot use TCP for the base correction ?

Which means you need learn where the actual bottle neck or slow down is if you want to have steady corrections. The staff and users of this forum can tell you how to do many things but some things are still dependent on the end user doing some research/troubleshooting.

Do some research on how to test connection speed, if possible to ping it will tell you where the slow down is.


Atleast when user strugging with their products they should help them .that very helpful them also to identify any problem that may cause by their products.

I keep learning and no one here is fully learned person…if so there will be no chance of having forum and wasted time here.

There are so many different applications of their product it is simply impossible to foresee/forecast/diagnose all issues.

The users of this forum will try their best to assist you as will the Emlid team. Not having the same components we cannot physically troubleshoot your slow down problem. We give suggestions for you to try. You need to be methodical in your troubleshooting techniques in order to establish what is causing the slow down.

These are very affordable units! Try spending 5 to 10 times the amount you paid for a M2 or RS2 from Trimble or one of the other big companies and find out their support only pertains to their products not your application.


We are the user of Trimble GPS also so don’t compare any other products which not related to this issues . All here are working for trying to get solution only ,that’s why I keep asking and posting my issues that could troubleshoot here.

I’m very new user for this products day by day I will keep improving when using it.

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Hi @Kalai_Selvan,

I’ve discussed your setup with the team. As Christian said, it looks like the communication channel was saturated. That’s why you got up to 10s age of differential. To check it, you may try to connect Reach RS2 and Reach M2 directly (not via a telemetry link), as @PotatoFarmer suggested.

Using GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo should be enough for Reach to calculate Fix. To understand why you get Float only in this case, please collect the following logs for 10-15 minutes and share them with us:

  • raw data, position, and base correction logs from Reach M2
  • raw data log from Reach RS2

It would be of great help if you conduct 2 tests to get these logs with different settings:

  • You choose all GNSS and see high age of differential and Fix
  • You choose all GNSS except QZSS and Beidou and see < 1s age of differential and Float

For your reference the M2 powered via only S1 port and other side C2 leave it as it is.

If the Reach M2 unit is powered via S1 only, it should work fine. To check if the unit faces issues with overheating, I’ll need to check its CPU temperature in the Full System Report. Please share the report with me in PM or via as it may contain sensitive information.

RV3 & RV2 showing BASE satellite showing 27 only instead of this right or its bug.

The satellite signals with quite a low SNR may be excluded during correction transmission. Since the signals with high SNR are transmitted fine, it shouldn’t cause any difficulties with obtaining precise coordinates.

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As per suggested by @PotatoFarmer I was tried same with TCP only between RS2 and M2. The video have attched also.

Any how with your knowledge anybody achieved all GNSS types including QZSS and beidou as per manual suggest at 1hz update rate?

Definitely i will do it if you support me to find out the solution.

I will post or send logs via email.thank you.

All I’m posting here is just I’m facing issues which might help you to optimize it.

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Hi @Kalai_Selvan,

Thanks, I’ll be waiting for the results of your tests.

Any how with your knowledge anybody achieved all GNSS types including QZSS and beidou as per manual suggest at 1hz update rate?

All GNSS enabled with the 1 Hz update rate are the settings that we tested and recommend for the Reach RS2 base. As I know, many of our users use them in their everyday work. However, in case the bandwidth of the telemetry communication channel is low, it may be better to disable some satellite systems or messages.

As per suggested by @PotatoFarmer I was tried same with TCP only between RS2 and M2. The video have attched also.

As I see, the age of differential is fine, and the receiver gets a stable Fix. The status may change between ‘Waiting for corrections’ and ‘Receiving corrections’ if the TCP connection via your Wi-Fi network is not stable. You may check the connection between Reach RS2 and Reach M2 using NTRIP or the LoRa radio since they provide a more stable correction link.

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Telemetry bandwidth means my RFD 900x radio bandwidth is not enough or TCP bandwidth not enough…

Yes that what I too thing even within the RS2 and M2 local communication not stable .is that any issue on this .