Will removed coordinate systems be added again in the future?
Very sad to hear about removing DHHN2016
We’re investigating possibilities to add a workaround or a new flow for such systems. Unfortunately, I have no estimates for you right now.
Hey everyone,
We are extremely happy to announce that ReachView 3 is coming out of beta. After months of community testing and your feedback, we consider the app to be stable and complete feature-wise to be the main way our users interact with Reach.
This has been a really long journey. What started as a way to bring coordinate system support to Reach users turned into one of our most ambitious projects to date. Our goal with ReachView 3 now is to bring the Reach experience to the next level by taking advantage of everything mobile platforms have to offer.
The new app comes with the UI being slick and fast, better performance of the maps engine, internationalization. With the new app being an independent entity, we are able to ship software updates much faster and independently from Reach firmware. And, of course, coordinate system support, which would be impossible to implement properly in the older app.
Needless to say, this is only the beginning of ReachView 3. We’ve only managed to scratch the surface of the new platforms and intend to do so much more. Coordinate system support is an ongoing battle between us and the very many different standards and workflows around the globe, but we are finally getting the upper hand with more and more countries being supported by ReachView 3. We are committed to supporting as many CRS workflows as possible.
For the time being, ReachView 2 stays with us and exists alongside the new app in case you will need to tweak some advanced settings, just like it was during the beta period.
We would like to thank everybody who participated in the testing, provided feedback, and patiently waited for us to come up with the new app. We’ve heard tons of great feature requests, most of which either got implemented or found their way to our roadmap. Being able to test run with our community is really invaluable. We appreciate you hanging out with us in this beta thread
The official release post with links to the apps in the store is here!
Best regards,
Emlid team
The one last changelog for this thread! There are some nice changes we smuggled into release.
- Fixed the issue that was causing the inability to download grids for
- Added a view with device status data! Coordinates, solution status, DOP, info about corrections, you name it. You can access the device status overview page anywhere in the app by clicking on the status bar.
- Survey project wizard became smarter, and now it remembers the last used CRS setup.
Has stakeout tools still the blue bubble when you get close to the point?
Love the status section. For the PDOP, if there is less than a 1, will it reflect that or will it only show whole numbers? I’ve only seen a 2 and a 1 so far.
This is very nice, also that is works in Single mode…
It seems to be rounded though, so showing Integers only.
One more thing, it seems the PDOP is calculated from all constellations at the same time? I would prefer to have it for GPS (or per selectable constellation) only, so it gives a truer image of what to expect.
The same goes for the “Sats in view”. This number should be limited by the SNR and Angle mask.
Hi there,
At the moment, ReachView 3 has no such indication.
For now, it’s showing integers only. I’ll discuss with the team that it might be useful to have float numbers.
Also, thank you for the feedback! Just want to say that I’ve collected all the latest feature requests and will pass them to the team. For the record:
@l3technologycambodia - Base shift feature request
@agrimgalina - UTC time format in CSV export
@willstar_beleno and @a.hopfer - Adding points for stakeout manually
@wizprod - PDOP values for each constellation; Satellites in view value limited by SNR and elevation mask
Once again, thank you all for testing ReachView 3 beta. We will be waiting for your notes in the new thread
Сontinuing the discussion in this thread: The New ReachView 3 is out