Hi! Sorry to hear that, we’re investigating this issue.
Did you try disconnecting the device and connecting it again? Does it still fail to load settings?
Thank you for your feedback!
Hi! Sorry to hear that, we’re investigating this issue.
Did you try disconnecting the device and connecting it again? Does it still fail to load settings?
Thank you for your feedback!
Hello Alevtina!
Thx for your response!
I made you 3 small videos playing around to explain and send it to support@emlid.com using mail. I hope it will work.
One in home-wifi, one with reach-hotspot and one with iPhone-hotspot,
I hope this can help!
For some other questions and tests be free to ask!
Best wishes!
Thanks. It worked smoothly this time with zero issues.
@christoph2010 thank you very much for your videos, it is helping us a lot to find out what is going wrong!
Happy to hear that you were able to enroll in our beta program!
No problem! Feel free to ask me for some additional tests!
i have problem with beta app and my email is ayasaldoski@gmail.com
It would be important to be able to store the base coordinates in the rover’s Rechview 3!!
Thanks You
8 posts were split to a new topic: Can’t update Reach to the dev version
Sorry I dont have a screen recording app. Both errors happen after another. In any case I can neither save a point nor the project.
I set my project CRS to EPSG:25832.
I also saw that you have CRS from the national SAPOS NTRIP provider. Unfortunately only the old Gauss Krüger variants. Can you please add the UTM ones, too?
Thank you
Hi, @kasanmascheff
Have you tried to create project again? Did the application continue to crash?
It would be very helpful if you will be able to reproduce the problem and send to us a screen recording and/or steps to reproduce.
Regarding CRSs that you requested, do they have EPSG codes? Could you please provide them to us? Or any other description of required CRSs. It will make a process of integration new coordinate systems much easier!
Yes, tried it 5 times , always the same error. I will check screen recording app later.
Regarding the CRS, I did not find an EPSG code that fits. It is basically 25832 (ETRS89/UTM32) but with the DHHN2016 as vertical datum as opposed to ellipsoidal height values. The values received are orthometric heights.
The EPSG code for the vertical datum is 7837:
Thanks a lot!
The app allows you to chose separately horizontal and vertical CRS, but unfortunately the DHHN2016
isn’t supported for now.
Thank you for your request we will investigate a way to support it!
I hope this hasn’t been asked and I missed it, but is “Stake to Line” going to be an added feature? My primary reason for purchasing the RS2 system was to stake out ditchline between PI’s and sags and overbends on creek and other replacements. I have a cumbersome way of doing it now buy creating points between PIs and elevation changes by creating points in my data collector, converting and uploading, but a Stake to Line feature would make the process streamlined and quick.
What does it mean or how do I verify that the base is on nad83 2011? when I was setting up my survey I chose to download the NAV88 geoids and it gave me a notification saying such. Do I have to be on XYZ on the base?
I went ahead and took a shot with the bass on wgs84 average single and the Rover set up as stated above and it gave me a negative elevation that pretty-much equaled d actual elevation that it should have been.
I can’t install the app on iphone 5s iOS 12.4.8(((
Would definitely appreciate this feature too
Hi, Michael!
This means that the coordinates of your base station or NTRIP must be referenced in the same geographic CRS that your project CRS is based on. If you use for example NAD83(2011) / UTM zone...
coordinates of your base should be in NAD83(2011)
not in WGS84
or anything else, this ensures that the results will be correct.
Coordinates should be in default LLH format, not XYZ.
If you use some NTRIP providers, you can ask them or find on their website what CRS they are using for their correction data. For US I can assume that would be NAD83(2011)
Also check my answer to a similar question.
Thanks so much for that info. I think this hits on my inexperience with this type of GNSS use. I always use a local base and am so use to using localizations that I am having to learn about transformations and dealing with different aspects of how softwares such as Reachview need to be setup.
From my understanding there is not much difference between the metric LLH coordinates in NAD83 vs WGS84? Is there a document or user that can explain how my base needs to be setup?
Difference between NAD83 and WGS84 can be up to 2m but in some places it is much less. Also you should take into account that NAD83 moves along with the continent when WGS84 doesn’t. Therefore difference between them can change in time.
There are several ways to set up your base correctly: