We are currently investigating your case. Could you clarify whether these two errors are separate or if they happen together somehow? Can describe a way to reproduce them? Maybe come up with a screen recording? That would help us a lot. Thanks.
We are happy to announce that ReachView 3 Beta for iOS is now publicly available for beta testing on TestFlight. This version includes all the core features like the new fast and beautiful point collector with full coordinate system support, on-your-phone project management and NTRIP profiles for easy correction configuration.
How to enroll
Follow this link from your iOS device. This will lead to you to install the Apple TestFlight app used for beta testing. From within TestFlight you can install ReachView 3.
Please note that some of the features are still available only on the Android version. We do plan to add all of them to the iOS app in due time.
Here’s the full list of featues coming to iOS soon
Automatic mountpoint fetching for NTRIP casters.
Point list in the surveying projects.
Some settings may not be fully editable (e.g. serial, tcp, etc.).
Point description is not persistent during collect.
Detailed import and export errors.
Point metadata like solution status is not imported.
I did follow that link from my phone and installed the app. Then I opened it and it is requiring a code.
The screen displays “No Apps Available to Test” and it provides a redeem button which is asking for a code. I deleted and reinstalled the app from the link you provided with the same results.
Could you try to install the TestFlight app from the App Store and then click the link again? Seems like the link will only enroll you properly if you have TestFlight installed already.
I did so again and still the same result. I deleted the app for the second time and reinstalled it. Then I went to the link in your email and clicked it. It takes me to a choice for installing the app (Step 1) or Join the Beta (Step 2). I selected step 2 with the app already installed and it still goes directly to a page where I need the code. ???
I would suggest you test the integrity of your link. It is currently only going to the options for installing or opening an installed TestFlight app. It does not provide a link or code to the specific Reach3 app.
Hi, John!
Sorry to hear that you have problems installing the app.
Are you sure you have TestFlight app when you try to open the link?
It should work like that:
I´ve already tried to start ReachView 3 but it doesn´t connect to my Reach RS+.
My config: iPhone SE (2nd Generation), iOS 13.5.1, Reach RS+ with 2.23.7dev, Reachview 4.0 Beta
I have tried different ways:
1.: Making a Hotspot with Reach RS+ and connecting my iPhone to the Reach
2.: Making a Hotspot with my IPhone and connecting with the Reach
3.: Using my home-wifi and connecting Reach and iPhone tot he same home-wifi
In all three ways i can not open the new Reachview ;-(
I see a connected Reach RS+ unit on your screenshot (“Connected” section of the screen). ReachView 3 has a feature that automatically connects your phone to the only receiver available. If there are multiple receivers available, they will be shown in the “Available” list (the one with the “Refresh” button on top).
When a receiver is connected, the “Settings” button appears under its cell. Tapping on the cell itself brings you the device menu. There are two options on the menu: open web app (ReachView 2) and disconnect from the device.