Reach Firmware 30 Beta 3 is out

Hello everyone!

Thank you all for the feedback on the 30 Beta 1 release! Today we introduce the new version of Reach Firmware - 30 Beta 2! It contains some important bugfixes and provides more stability


  • Fixed issues with starting logging after firmware upgrade
  • Fixed some cases with corrupted raw logs on immediate shutdown
  • Fixed some issues when corrections weren’t transmitted over LoRa after booting
  • Fixed rare cases when Corrections Input or Output settings were changed after reboot
  • Fixed broken styles for the “downgrade to stable” panel
  • Fixed adding a Wi-Fi network without a password
  • Hid scrollbars for the main blocks of the Reach Panel and fix its style
  • Prohibited device names that start or end with a dash symbol
  • Don’t emit base corrections until base coordinates are averaged, or set manually