Emlid/Reach Antenna Heights

Hi there,

I see the initial topic was already solved, but I want to post a short summary for anyone who asks the same question.

If you work in RTK, you need to work with the Base mode settings. If you do the Averaging method, everything is simple, you just average the position and go.

If you already have coordinates and use the Manual entry method, then you need to enter the tripod or survey pole height. If you’re using an extension pole, you also need to add 15cm to the tripod height. Still, the APC offset is taken into account automatically.

For PPK, always enter the tripod or survey pole height in the Logging tab. Also, no need to bother about the APC offset, it’s added automatically.
Still, some services, like OPUS, can’t read the antenna height and name from the RINEX header. So, when submitting files there, you need to enter it additionally. We described it here.

Also, we’ve recently written two posts about how to correct work with the antenna height:

You need to add this to the pole’s height.