Will 1hz configured RS+ rover solve overheating conditions

Hello guys, I have this topic regarding my super RS+ running v. 31.7.

I haven’t played much with configurations at this point. I have been following Emlid’s recommendations so far. My problem I think, has been the temperatures we are getting around here, fluctuations from 30 to 40 Celsius, something like that.

I have noticed that my base works fine at 1hz and has not shut down once with these temperatures. On the other side, the rover (at 5 Hz), works for a few minutes before shutting down. Then I let it cool down and restart it, having the same results a few minutes later.

When I am staking out, I can tell when the equipment is due to shut down, because it starts to lag. That helps me to prepare for what comes next.

Is there a way to keep track of internal GNSS temps? If I change my rover from 5 Hz to 1 Hz, would I be able to work fine collecting points or staking out? Is this an equipment flaw? Is it too hot here?


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Try changing to lower update rate as you suggest and see if it helps to rule that out.

I think the moving rover will do more processing under the hood than the base and therefore more current draw?

Use the Emlid app (or access the receiver via browser) to check the internal temps.

Prob very hot anyways and just the nature of things. Bag of ice wrapped around under it? :ice_cube: :crazy_face:

Hopefully Emlid jumps in.

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Thank you for your response, Tim. I was going through a post you made way back figuring out the 1 Hz to 5 Hz benefits on rover/base combinations.

Yes, I thought that moving the rover faster than usual (staking out technique), was causing faster shutdowns.

I am guessing you have upgraded the RS+, yet I am curious to know if you staked points or collected points having 1 Hz in the RS+ rover. And if you did, what can I expect? Do you have any tips? should I make unhurried movements? Time wise?

I will try and play with the equipment and see what I can find. I have noticed that the Emlid RS+ tends to overheat, as per comments I have found on the web. Despite that, I will try and find a solution for my needs.

Thanks again Tim,

The rover can be set faster if you really need it but if you are only doing walking single-point stakeout rather than capture and/or auto-collect or it’s vehicle mounted then it’s not going to matter that much. We PPK drones at 1Hz and a rover on the ground is rarely going faster than that. Like mentioned though running a faster speed and the fact that it is being moved makes a difference.

Have you tried swapping the units to make sure it’s not something hardware related?

If you turn it up to 10Hz is it worse?


I think you can only get 10Hz used with GPS sat constellation only? 5Hz prob the highest with more sat constellations.

@deraciao try bumping down to 1Hz to see if it helps when very hot. When normal temps put back to higher update rate.

I prefer highest update rate as your movement on screen is smoother and faster feedback. Not as laggy or jittery.

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Hi Michael, thank you for your help.

I will swap my units next. I have swapped them a few months back. I heard that helps with battery life spans, but I will reverse them for this experiment.

I went to a site today and I encountered problems, again. The base worked fine but the rover.

I just found the temp display while downloading raw files. Although it doesn’t show on the app, I must do it through the IP address. It would have been nice to know this feature earlier today.

I just learned that I can get 10 Hz with different constellation configurations, although I am now very proficient with this activity, I will try to play with them.

Is there a relation related to my rover shutting down, regarding my app displaying half battery charge, even though it’s full because I know I charged them all night?

Nowadays, my rover which was my base shows half battery, while my base which was my rover is almost full. I remember it was the same before swapping them over. Would this be a safety issue with the system and shutting my rover due to battery protection, or it’s the heat?

Thank you Tim for your suggestions as well. I can´t seem to have enough great advice from all of you, thank you for being here and creating this community.

Could may be the issue? Bad cell?

See what Emlid says and if they can help. Maybe email them the serial numbers etc to support@emlid.com to get a head start.


Batteries don’t last forever… just another reason I hope future model has hot-swappable battery(s).

I do not suggest doing this below until EVERY option is exhausted and absolute last resort with no other choice if you must. Good to know in case you need to though. Careful, must use PROPER 3.2 VOLTAGE, nothing higher or you fry it:


I left my equipment charging tonight. I will find out tomorrow how full the rover’s battery is.

I will take your advice to contact Emlid directly and try to figure out if it is a fabrication issue.

Then I will try to reverse them, rover to base, and vice-versa.

I will keep an eye on the internal temperature from now on. We will get a couple of rainy days. That will reduce the temperatures for a moment.

That is a cool video. I can see the internals of my antennas now. I will keep your suggestions in mind. I won’t haste anything for now.


Hi Sergio,

Please send us a Full System report from both the base and the rover and photos of your setup. If you can generate a report right after the shutdown and share the timestamp, it will also help us. We will look into it.


I have sent the requested information, Olesia. Let me know if I sent the info correctly.

Thank you

I just noticed that a rover battery screenshot found a way through the base screenshots.


I got your information. Please let me go through it, and I’ll let you know once I have any updates.

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simple solution and run as rock


I just wanted to note that if you experience the same issue, feel free to write to us at support@emlid.com. We will look into it. We don’t recommend taking apart the Reach device, as it voids the IP67 and makes It more susceptible to dust and water damage. Also, changing internal parts of the unit can be tricky as it requires additional knowledge and may influence its accuracy.


It was great seeing the RS+ opened. Very helpful indeed.

I will do so. Thank you for being so helpful.

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