Who is using Reach on Multirotor?

Does anyone have pics to share of their setup on a multirotor platform? Really curious to know/see the antenna mount and antenna type.


Tim, I think you’d like to know about Navio not Reach.

Here’s our Navio thread.
This part about community projects is what you’re looking for.

Nope, This is Reach specific, regarding antenna placement. Thus the post in Reach/HW.

The issue is related to missing GPS data on every other leg in the flight grid, meaning, flights from west to east are missing GPS data, and flights from east to west have GPS data.

The HW setup and configuration was called into question, thus this post.

Is anyone flying a Reach unit on a multirotor, and if so, what antenna is being used and how is it mounted?

Will revise the subject title.

Hi Tim,

Looking at the pictures that you have sent me Maxtena placement is incorrect. The plate beneath it acts as an asymmetrical ground plane degrading performance. Antenna should be centered on the ground plane. Try to lift the Maxtena about 20 cm up on a CF tube and see if that improves the solution.

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The observations look pretty bad. I am certain that there is a source of strong interference on your drone that jams GNSS reception.