Waiting for FIX

Hi Michael, I use the Hexagon HxGN SmartNet (Leica) service here in Texas and purchased a Texas State wide year subscription paid in advance. You can find out more here at this Link: HxGN SmartNet | HxGN SmartNet

They offer Single Base (MSM_Near) and Network Multiple Base VRS (MSM_VRS) type service that you can choose from for the Mount Points. It is broadcast in NAD83(NA2011) (MYCS2) Reference Frame and the Epoch is 2010.00

There is also other service providers in Texas.
One is https://www.rockrobotic.com/rock-base
You can either purchase a Base unit and installed it at your home/office and gain access to their network that way or you can just purchase access for $40.00 a month + tax. It would be a Single Base type service, so you have to be within about 35k of a Base Station. I would like to take advantage of it, but they don’t offer service everywhere I would need it.

Another one that others have used here in Texas is:

And here is another website that offers a solution and also has a comparison detail for Texas providers.

And here is a previous discussion on this topic here:

Regards, Mark