Using Reach for landsurvey and more

These are the antennas that Allen at Tallysman is recommending if you also want to use the Reach stations future ability to use the Galileo signals and will need in RTK work. This is copied from our email this morning:

Hi Ray,

Since you won’t be placing a cover over the antenna, I recommend you consider the TW2710 or the TW3710 for use in your RTK system. The TW3710 is the best choice for use in an RTK system as the feed from the antenna exits from the bottom of the antenna. With the TW2710, the feed exits the side of the housing which can affect the Phase Centre Variation of the antenna and the phase linearity of the antenna. If you prefer to use the TW2710, I recommend that you route the cable beneath a ground plane as close to the housing as possible so as to hide the cable from the patch.

As to your ground planes, they don’t need to be that thick! All that is needed is an RF reflective material which is plane. Aluminum foil on a flat surface works very well. Some people just cut circles out of paint can lids. The 126mm diameter is fine. We don’t recommend going any larger than that.
(My ground plane is 10 mm thick)
Hopefully this will be useful to the community.