Signal from your camera's hot shoe to both the Reach Module and Pixhawk

He needs the patern of cable to connecting a camera and Reach M2 with a hot shoe adapter. The hot shoe cable sends a signal from your camera’s hot shoe to both the Reach Module and Pixhawk. The signal adds time marks used for geotags to the Reach RINEX log file and the Pixhawk DataFlash log.

Given needs to the modification Reach M2/M+ camera hot shoe adapter

Similar solution is here

Hi @El_Geodetos,

Just to confirm, are you referring to this thread?

Hi, inkar.madikyzy


Just to confirm, are you referring to [this thread (Help with the best wiring M2 Pixcube and Camera)?

I think about this solution
[Tuffwing: Reach hot shoe time mark cable 4]

He indispensable is system diagram & pinout of the cable