RS3 tilt compensation analysis

If so, maybe consider editing/updating the TITLE so not to appear so bad for the new RS3? People can read through it all and make their own conclusions if they like.

Good job on your analysis, but it might be a good idea for Emlid to provide their counter analysis also. :wink:


Thanks, Joe.

timd1971, I can’t figure out how to update the title. Do you think I should see if I can delete this entire thread and make a new thread that simply provides a quick summary of the findings? I’d rather not have the wrong impressions about the RS3 being communicated.

I was able to edit the title if that works for you?


Thanks Dave. I am still wondering if some of the comments and discussion that I have entered into this thread might still be more negative than I would like given that after going through the exercise we arrived at quite a different impression about the RS3. I’d be interested in anyone’s thoughts on whether this thread should be replaced with a nice new clean thread entitled “An initial field test of the RS3”. I would acknowledge everyone who contributed to the earlier post.

  • Delete this thread and replace it with an updated summary version
0 voters
  • Keep this thread
0 voters
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I wouldnt delete it. Get with @igor.vereninov and see what he says. Its very thorough work and people can come to their own conclusions. It’s all good. No reason to censor it 100%.


I am for keeping it. It answers many question users in the future will wonder about.


So is the tilt worth anything at all or just a gimmick?

andreas8001, I am glad I bought the RS3. I needed another receiver. I would have bought the RS2, but I went with the RS3 instead. Now I have the ability to do tilt compensation when needed. I ordered the RS3 on a Tuesday and it arrived from Hong Kong to Canada that Friday. I was impressed.


I, personally, do not use the tilt function on our BRX7’s unless it is for topo work. For control or any shot where you would average multiple shots, I do not think it is best to engage it.

Different company/brand, but here is a test from Mark Silver of iGage showing the precision one can expect with their equipment:

His other video shows how you need to keep moving the pole and how it needs time to initialize.

It would likely be similar with Emlid. I, personally, noticed greater precision on control points when I turned it off with our BRX7. When tying in a cadastral monument/control point, I just use the old 3 spikes and some tape measurements method to inaccessible points. For topo shots where you are not super worried about precision? Ie. edge of creek, etc. Sure, go for it. But, I’m an old fusspot.

Now get off my lawn :wink:


Here is a article from GPS World magazine about usage of the Tilt function with GNSS Receivers.
Tilt without guilt: No-calibration tilt compensation is now standard


Thanks for your comments and for sharing the video. Great video and sounds like a sensible approach you are taking with respect to tilt compensation.


Thanks for sharing that article mark1st.john.

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A post was split to a new topic: RS3 tilt compensation work with external software

Good day Joe,

I am a Canadian dealer of Emlid, please consider buying from a local dealer in your future purchases, not that it makes a hudge difference but availability of products from the local dealers is at par with Emlid.


Side note–through months of checks on using tilt/non using tilt, we have begun to use tilt all the time. We believe it to be a worthwhile upgrade that benefits us quite a bit. The older “magnetic” tilt was a pain; the newer style is quite useful.


Thanks Jason

Thanks Jaccen. I’ve just been using tilt for situations where I can’t plumb the rod. I have been pretty happy with what tilt compensation has allowed me to do in terms of measuring things that otherwise would be a real pain.