I’m using an RS3 connected to our states’ CORS system via NTRIP, paired with an iOS device via bluetooth, to collect GCPs via Esri webapps.
After some quick investigation I have come to learn that “no, I actually can’t use an iOS device with field maps” but I can still use Survey123. The problem is Survey123 sucks.
I’m wondering a few things here:
Any chance does the product pipeline have plans to allow me to use Field Maps with this configuration?
Anyone using any other Esri Webapps with a similar configuration that they could recommend? I’d rather NOT capture a single record at a time like the workflow in Survey123.
At the moment, the new Reach RX has MFi certification, which enables Bluetooth connections with third-party apps on iOS devices. Other Reach RS models, including regular RX, can only integrate with Android apps. However, on iOS, they can still be used with apps that support a TCP connection.
We haven’t tested the integration specifically with ESRI WebApps. You can check our list of supported apps here.
May I know why you’d like to use a third-party app? Are there any specific features you’re looking for?
Thank you very much for the reply (and the warm welcome!). I’d like to provide an update to others who may be searching for a similar solution.
I decided to try Esri’s QuickCapture webapp on an iOS device and it is a more viable solution for my needs than Survey123.
The RS3 is paired to the iOS device, which has both Emlid Flow and the QuickCapture apps installed.
I have the Position streaming 1 setting (found in Emlid Flow) to be “TCP server - NMEA”, and
In QuickCapture app settings, I have the (Network) “Location Provider” set to the RS3’s IP address and the Port set to “9001” (the same port that is being used by the Position streaming 1 setting).
QuickCapture works great for the need and configuration I described in my question, collecting an accurate GCP takes about 10 seconds as I’ve optimized the webapp to only require (3) user-input fields, with the rest coming directly from the RS3 NMEA.
Anyway, I’m a happy data collector now and I’m excited to share this with my team!
Thanks for sharing your experience! I’m glad to hear that you found a solution that works for you. I believe this will be helpful to other users as well.
Best of luck with your survey! And if you have any insights on how we can improve our products, I’d love to hear them.
For iOS this appears to be the case, but in my research this is an Apple issue and not an Emlid one: you can pair the RS3 to iOS via Bluetooth, BUT iOS will not recognize it as a GNSS device and therefore will not permit the NMEA communication.
IF you’re using Android, this seems to be something that can be done.