RS2+ short LoRa range

I imagine that could be a possibility.
But the receivers were performing well - until earlier this year.
So what could cause them to change?

I have been looking at my calendar
I started noticing significantly reduced range around March 20, perhaps a few days/weeks prior to that

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Here is a yardstick that may help to get LORA range expectations into perspective.

Trimble typically transmit their 900 Mhz at 1.0 Watt, which is 10 x the power of Emlid’s battery saving output of 0.1 Watt.
And Trimble advise their customers to expect a typical range of 2 – 5 km (1.2 – 3 miles) .

Draw your own conclusions and your milage will certainly vary but the technology and basic laws of physics are the same.

Maybe the takeaway for EMLID is to likewise lead with publishing a more realistic typical range, followed by a (theoretical maximum in ideal line of sight conditions) to reset expectations and reduce noise factor,


That’s nice info for comparison, but the users were having longer ideal results they were accustomed to, but notice the distance has been greatly reduced in those same or better conditions?

Almost seems maybe a lose internal antenna connection or something of the receivers? But @erro.alfaro88 are new RS3’s?

Who knows.


Yes, agree there appear to be separate issues at play through this thread. It’s a general response intended to set a realistic metric for LORA range expectation which has been a common issue in a number of threads now including here.


Hey Tim,
I should have mentioned that I was using the same set of antenna for my use case - thus eliminating that as a culprit.

So I’m getting good range using LoRa with:
M2 as base RS2 as rover
M2 as base RS2+ as rover
RS2 as base M2 as rover
RS2+ as base M2 as rover

BUT poor range with

RS2 as base RS2+ as rover
RS2+ as base RS2 as rover
The problem definitely lies with radio comms between the RS2 & the RS2+.
I also note good results when using the RS2 & RS2+ when roving from a 3rd party NTRIP caster.

Also note - adjusting data rates & frequencies did not improve the range


Have you been able to improve/resolve your LoRa issues with the RS3?

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But that obviously doesn’t involve the LoRa radios.

I think @erro.alfaro88 said he had 2 old RS units. Could prob test between the RS3 and old RS units LoRa’s too.

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Hi Adrian,

It’s a curious case, and we would like to investigate further. We haven’t made any changes in the firmware regarding LoRa in the recent updates. Also, if you can use RS2/RS2+ as both a base and a rover in different setups, it doesn’t look like an internal LoRa radio hardware issue, as it would also be visible in the setup with M2.

Can you elaborate on how you perform the tests? Do I understand correctly that you put RS2+ as a base and RS2 as a rover, checked the baseline, and then, in the same place, put M2 as a base and got a longer baseline? Were the tests performed in the open field or another area? Please share the photos of the environment.


The RS2 when used as a base transmits well to the M2 (300m baseline fix achieved)
The RS2+ also when used as a base transmits well to the M2 (300m baseline fix achieved)
The M2 when used as a base gets up to 500m baseline fix using RS2 & RS2+ as rover

When either RS2 or RS2+ is used as base-rover the range will barely exceed 100m.
So if the RS2 is set as base, the RS2+ will get a range of 100m and the M2 will get a range of 300m.

I have tried swapping antennas, radio frequencies & radio data rates nothing seems to impact these results.
The RS2 & RS2+ were working fine up until early March.
Why do they work well with the M2 but not with each other?
Million dollar question.
Anyone else having similar issues?

A post was split to a new topic: RS2 LoRa range issue

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that we’re continuing the discussion in person with Adrian. If you encounter any issues with LoRa, feel free to start a new thread or write to us at, and we will look into it.

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