RS+ and RTK2go


I have been using the Reach RS+ with local NTRIP with good success. I recently purchased ardusimplertk2b as I needed a base for my Mavic 3E. I wanted to use the Ardusimple as my base also for the RS+ and was using rtk2go. I however cannot get a fix or even a float sollution with this setup. I have confirmed the base is setup correctly as the Drone connects fine. I have viewed the RTMC messages using snip and even added in a 1008 message as a safety. My RTMC messages appear to match my local NTRIP providers and as soon as i chnage over the corrects i achive a Float then usually Fix a short while after. While i have a M+ that works fine as a base for the RS+ i was trying to cut down my setup time. Is anyone else striking this problem. I have searched and it seems there is mixed problems intergrating different brand GPS units. If anyone can point me to diffinitive RTMC messages required as start that would be helpful. Currently have a 1005, 1008 added in, then MSM4 messages as that is what my NTRIP provider is sending out and I can get a fix on. I see the base will send MSM7 so assume it would also accept that which I have tried to no avail.