Reach RS+ Reboot Problem after updating to software v2.18.1

I am using 8 Sets Reach RS+ with Firmware Version 2.16.2

Previously, I was using NTRIP Solutions for Base and Rover Connection.

Yesterday I fetched problem with LoRa Radio communication with Firmware Version 2.16.2

I have upgraded my 08 (Eight) Reach RS+ Firmware to v_2.18.1to resolve the LoRa communication problem.
After updating the Reach RS+ to Firmware v-2.18.1 my 07 (seven) units are working nice with LoRa Radio now.

Very unfortunate one set Reach RS+ unit failed to reboot after Firmware update to v_2.18.1

Means not working.

I do not have the previous version of Firmware 2.16.2

Please support me, how to get it functional.

Hi @shd2051,

Could you please specify on which step of the reflashing procedure you faced an issue?

I have completed reflashing all reciver as per emlid instruction and steps.
Allready I have mentined that my seven reciver’s are working nice now for LoRa radio.
Only one receiver after completion of reflushing when it goes for REBOOT, only Power LED and Green LED Lit, no Blinking of any LED, OFF, no hotspot.
Means, it is not creating any Hotspot or not connecting to any wi-fi network.
Both LED lit sand still.
Please send me, previous version to use in NTRIP ersion of Firmware 2.16.2 so that I can make it ready in previous version and I can use it in minimum NTRIP communication.
Thank you.


We’ve uploaded the new version of Flasher to our docs (1.0.1). May I ask you to download it and try to reflash this unit once again?

Please keep us posted.

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Yes. I have used the new version of Flasher to our docs (1.0.1) according to your suggession.

But Still problem is remain same.

After Reflush, While Rebooting…

  1. Only PWR LED lit’s.

  2. When I press the POWER button to switch, First the PWR LED, NET LED, STAT LED Flushes for few seconds. After that PWR LED Lit’s for approx. 3 Miniutes, then after STAT LED Lit’s. Means now PWR and STAT LED Lit’s but NET LED dark.

  3. Now It never search the Network. Means PWR and STAT LED Stand Still for ever.

So, please support me, what can I do next.

Hi @shd2051,

I’ve just answered to your email. Let’s continue troubleshooting there.


Dear Tatiana,

Thank you for sending v_2.16.2 for RRP.

After flashing with this image, my emlid is Booting now.

Review now opening but it is requesting for update.

I am afraid that after update it may be dead again.

I want to jump to main operating window.

How it is possible?

Before updating to v_2.18.1 it was working, except “Not connecting to LoRa” message.

So, I think you can help me from this step.

I am waiting for your urgent reply.


I’ve replied to your email.

Hi @shd2051,

We’ve just released the v2.21.0 dev update with the fix for the Wi-Fi issue.

Please update your Reach device and let us know how it works.

You can subscribe to the dev update branch in ReachView Settings. This guide explains how to update Reach device.

Thank you!

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