Reach RS post processing with multiple base station observation files

It works. But you need to do following.
1.Unzip 3 raw files
2.Convert all 3 raw files to .OBS files with RTKconv
3.Move all .OBS files into one folder (new folder)
4.In RTKplot you point filepath to this new folder you made and fill in wildcard instead of file name. Like this (*.OBS)

It will then read all obs in the folder.
And do the same for refrence files. Unzip first and then move all into one folder you can point file path to.

Here is a screenshot of rover containing 3 .obs files




sorry what’s wrong ?

I dont think @emlid has updated their version of RTKpost. Its a bug on command search path handling.

This one works (2.4.3.b29) Not Emlid version


thx !!!

It works


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