Reach RS fail to update. Do not turn on after flash Firmware

Hi Fabio,

Thanks for the logs, we’ll examine them.

However, you wrote that you tried to update the unit with the Flash tool. Could you clarify whether there were any issues with the standard update process via the ReachView app?

Yes. All this files are on the folder. Thank’s for your suggestion.

I have tryied today with the .bat… It has stopped here:

Then, the device has turned off…

I have 3 update versions with the .bat process - old Flash Tool. I have triyed all them… no sucess!
Here are the file logs of the 3 versions (Reach View 1.2; 2.1 and 2.18.1):

flash_ReachImage_v1.2.log (881.5 KB) flash_ReachImage_v2.1_beta.log (29.8 KB) flash_ReachImage_v2.18.1.log (17.4 KB)

Hello! The USB changing strategy I have used… also the cable change.

I will try on my notebook, to see what happends… Them I will try the freezer. Thank’s!

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I hope all the log files help to find out how do I get back ‘my precious’…

What happens when you turn it on?

Here what happens:

I see.

May I ask why did you decide to reflash the receiver instead of updating it via the app?

The LED behavior in the video demonstrates the unit is discharged. I’d recommend starting with charging the unit for a while

The app pointed to the flash tool - there was no way to update from there (I was on reach view 2.1).
I lefted the device getting full charge before flashing it - I’ll put it again… let’s see. Thank’s for your help.

I have tryed again - full charged the batery (2hs of charge) and tryied with 2.18.1 version (via .bat).
It has stopped on 12% of the #7 process (“Flashing rootfs”) - when the system try to “Resetting USB to switch back to runtime mode” - the DOS terminal close.

Here the log file… no sucess.
flash.log (23.8 KB)

I keep trying: this time With the “Reach Firmware Flash Tool” and the reachview 2.22.3.

The software told me that it is ok…:

… but not (the receiver keep blinking and not showing any wifi hotspot):

Is there a way to reset it all?

I tried the 15s button push… Any other way?! Use a LINUX?

What a mess to update it!!!


Does Reach create a hotspot?

Please go to and post a screenshot here.

No. No Hot spot… as (the receiver keep blinking and not showing any wifi hotspot)

The app pointed to the flash tool - it could not be updated by the app

In your video you show a white usb cable, have you tried reflash with the usb cable (pisen) that comes from the factory with your antennas?.

I have read in other posts that they have had problems using lower quality usb cables.

This is a good cable… but I’ll try.


LEDs behavior is indeed weird. Looks like Reach can’t start for some reason. Please email us on so we can troubleshoot further.

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E-mail sent. The ticket number is 27784.

Is there a estimate time to answer the email?