Reach Firmware 28 Beta 3 is out for all devices

Hello everyone!

We are glad to present you the new Beta version of Reach Firmware - 28 Beta 1!

Here is the list of major changes:

  • Added presets for the popular RINEX PPP services
  • Enhanced antenna height settings for RINEX logs
  • If raw logging is set to RINEX, the raw UBX log is not recorded
  • Configured the output of the last valid heading (COG) in NMEA VTG and RMC messages when there is no movement
  • Added ability to downgrade from Beta release to the latest stable release. For example, if you want to revert to the stable, you can downgrade the firmware from 28 Beta 1 to 27.1
  • Made Reach M+/M2 visible for the ReachView3 app or Reach Panel without connecting the antenna and being in the hotspot mode
  • Removed 230400 baud rate as an option for Serial input/output on Reach RS2/M2
  • Fixed some issues with interruption of downloading large log files
  • Miscellaneous stability improvements

Thanks for that, this is actually a huge quality of life upgrade!


This a great upgrade. Could you also improve the bluetooth connection performance too? We noticed that sometimes, it is very hard to connect to its Bluetooth, and sometimes the bluetooth connection drops.

Tested with Surpad app.


oh no, this isn’t good news!
At least provide the choice :confused:

Rinex logging is great for quick access to ie a log of gps + glo at 30 seconds. However, providing the UBX offers added security for screw-ups. If you for some reason made some funky settings on the Rinex, your 1 hz all constellations ubx is a lifesaver!



Device Secret ?,Can someone explain


@ ubx & Rinex recording
I agree.

At least the option to record both is needed.
Especially for me now, not being 100% sure if Rinex or Raw in my usecase.
I would have to stay on this version with needing both


My guess would be some sort of key/hash for exchange to encrypt or authorize access remote maybe?
I am sure we’ll get the answer soon :smiley:


Woohoo… and I just got to 27.1! :wink:


Since I am always testing things, I have updated as they come out, normally.

Was kind of hoping for the stored base locations. It has been getting more traffic lately.

The only thing I see worth anything to me is “Miscellaneous stability improvements”.

That and I want to copy secrets too!


Agree! Having the RAW log file and Rinex is really needed (or the idea of a checkbox that allows you to select both). It is really easy to push the delete button if you don’t want the RAW file later. If your Rinex is set for PPP, it’s great to have the all constellation backup if there is an unexpected need to ppk your session in the office (like loss of Lora/cell coverage or difficult sky view conditions).


Hi guys,

Some secrets should remain a secret (at least for some time). But one day you will know the answer!

This is a little spoiler of our future features, so stay tuned and keep your Reach up-to-date :wink:


@wizprod, @goamberg, @Africawaterdoc,

It sounds reasonable, and I’ve just discussed it with the team. We’ll return the possibility to record the UBX data as a dup for RINEX.

There is a temporary workaround for doing it on 28 Beta 1: just enable the Raw data debug option in the device’s settings before you start logging. UBX data recorded with this option will be heavier, and you will need to re-enable Raw data debug after each reboot, but it’ll work.


Great news! Many thanks, now I’m ready for the weekend :wink:


Also I can confirm that we need both UBX + RINEX available.


+1 for UBX and RINEX. On a few occasions I’ve not been able to PPK P4R data in RedToolbox with the RINEX observations but worked fine with the UBX observations.


This right here. I think this deserves some cudos to the people at Emlid, taking inputs and wishes from users. Of course within some limitation.
This is great :+1:



The UBX will be making a comeback, you can be sure :mechanical_arm:

Thanks for being vocal with us! Such strong community is what makes us happy and proud about our products :slight_smile: So if anything can make your workflow with Reach receivers easier and more comfortable, don’t hesitate to let us know!


Hi Every one

It’s possible to give the option to input the base positions in ECEF Coordinates. I remember the pass FW version had this option.

Hi Bernardo,

Base coordinates insertion is mostly ruled by the ReachView 3. So the firmware update doesn’t affect it.

In ReachView 3, you can indeed insert only geographic base’s coordinates manually in LLH format. It helps us to wok better with the RTCM3 transmittance. We’re checking how we can allow you to insert your base in different coordinate systems. It’s a bit complicated.

As a workaround, you can go with the flow with Base shift feature. It’s a non-obvious solution, of course, so it’s better to stick with the LLH solution.

well said. I love this content, waiting for next one.

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