Raspberry Pi 4 support when?

It’s that time in the Raspberry release cycle. The Raspberry foundation releases a new Pi and we hound you until the Navio board can run on it.

With USB3 support, H265 at 60 fps and a significant bump in specs, the new Pi is planting it’s foot into Jetson TX’s territory, breathing significant life into Navio2.

Streaming H265 over wifibroadcast? Plugging in a Movidius for a machine-learning flight model? A Realsense camera for top of the line optical flow? Running previously impossible Kalman filters on large datasets? All possible.

I understand the changes required are:

  1. Port the RT patched kernel to RPi4
  2. Port the RCIO driver
  3. Make sure Ardupilot stack is still working after cross-compiling on the new CPU
  4. Misc tweaks and QoL

Can you guys provide a timeline? Any way to follow development, maybe lend a hand?


Yes, im also very interested in this! A little time ago i asked the support if there will be a Nanopi M4 support. They told me ( and of corse i understand this) that it will not be any. So please make rpi 4 support happen!

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Hey there,

Once we get our hands on RPi4 we’ll be able to provide timelines. :slightly_smiling_face:


I am also very interested in this. Lets not forget.

Also, I understand there is a second gyroscope or so on the Navio2 that is not supported yet software wise?!

Maybe this can be added during the update


Have you managed to obtain a Pi4? Do you need some help in getting a couple of units shipped to you?

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Hi @kronos1,

ArduPilot uses both IMU sensors as it allows to increase the accuracy of IMU measurements.

Hi @wubbalubbadubdub,

Thanks for the offer! We’ve already got it. :slightly_smiling_face:

Is there an eta? days, weeks, or months? should I start developing on the existing image for the R PI 3 or wait for your R PI 4 image??

Hi @deepsouth,

We’re working on the new image. I’ll update you once we have any news.

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Can you explain to me how your workflow is?
Your repo for the image builder changed last time in February this year. Same thing with the kernel. But you said: you’re working on it.

I also made an issue because your image builder isn’t a fork of the original Raspbian as it should be.

Do you want the repo?

I did the necessary reconstruction to it.
This way it should be much easier to upgrade :slight_smile:

Best regards,

Hi @LimitlessGreen,

Thanks for your contribution!

Hi @tatiana.andreeva,

where should I transfer the repo? I can’t transfer it to the organisation itself.


I was wondering if there was an update on the image for the raspberry 4 by Emlid? I was also wondering if there was another Image we could use mean time?

Hi @r.vazquez453,

We’re working on the new image for Navio2. Once we have news for you, we will announce it :slight_smile:

At the moment, the supported boards are:

  • Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+

  • Raspberry Pi 3 Model B

  • Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+

  • Raspberry Pi 2 Model B

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well, if i purchase the navio2 board for my raspberry pi 4 will the existing image at least work so i can learn to use ardupilot (actually ardurove - i will use it for my rover) and ROS ? i want to replace my px4.


Hi @j98221,

I’m afraid this setup is not supported at the moment.

what is not supported ? ; the rover or that i need to wait?

Hi @j98221,

Even though Raspberry Pi 4 and Navio2 are compatible in terms of hardware installation, there is no appropriate software for them to work properly together yet.

So, at the moment, it is impossible to configure Navio2 with Raspberry Pi 4 for an effective working setup.

thank you

Any update so far?
Will the base system (i/o) serial etc work without ardupilot stack on rpi4?