PPK point extractor software

I would have to add 3 hours to each point and see why the seconds are not there. I don’t know how to change the format in excel mm / dd / yy to yy-mm-dd

This is the native file downloaded from rechview 3, and in the image it is as I see it on my PC. The rechview 2 files look good on my PC

Shap.zip (673 Bytes)

Rechview 2

and from the process we must obtain LLH and then transform as we did before. For PPK you have to use rechview 2

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Hi Everyone!

For those who can check this old topic, I remind that we have the ReachView 3 app for iOS and Android devices. We’re constantly improving the app and adding new features.

Don’t hesitate to try it with your Reach unit and share your feedback in a new thread!