Hi, I have a project with NAD83/Puerto Rico and Virgin is
when I plug in this geoid it says “out of cs bound” when I try to take a point.
is there any way I can plug in GEOID18 to Puerto Rico nad83 ?
Hi, I have a project with NAD83/Puerto Rico and Virgin is
when I plug in this geoid it says “out of cs bound” when I try to take a point.
is there any way I can plug in GEOID18 to Puerto Rico nad83 ?
See if your previous thread helped?
GEOID18 covers the North American plate and includes Puerto Rico
Here’s a good read
Hi @ajexgood,
Do I understand correctly that in Emlid Flow, you chose the NAD83 / Puerto Rico & Virgin Is. coordinate system and not the NAD83(2011) / Puerto Rico & Virgin Is.? If so, please check if you can collect the points after applying the one with NAD83(2011).
If it doesn’t help, let’s also check if the point collection is possible using the Ellipsoidal Height instead of the NAVD88(GEOID18) height.