Multi-band Reach RS2 is here!

Sorry, i cant tell if the DOP is working with FG (I dont have one). Guess you have to find out for your self :wink:


Hehe. :smiley: Yeah… I was just thinking of other reasonably obvious measures of determining the overall “quality” of the position solution

Not necessarily like AR at all, but DOP ought to give one some confidence in the quality of the fix/position.

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guess we’ll have to see… I assume so…but 1 thing I noticed with FG, is it doesn’t properly show the all the satellite constellations in the skyplot. it’s like it’s just old, and never updated? Maybe MicroSurvey can help with that.

Well, it will give you some intel but the only way to rais the % of confident for a point is to resurvey it. Everything els is just numbers and those doesnt always make sense #my2cent


TB speaks the truth. You had to ignore it because back then the number shown didn’t make sense according to what you were doing anyway. Just fuggedabouddit :smiley:

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Absolutely true. To be fair poor DOP (read crap satellite geometry) ought to pose much less potential to be an issue with the more simultaneous constellations you’re observing anyway.

Possibly DOP has more value as a “confidence” yardstick when not surveying, but in dynamic applications - steering an RTK corrected tractor for example.

Yep! Dop is shown


I take thats in FG ?



It shows PDOP in Reachview is that not the same thing?

It shows PDOP in Reachview is that not the same thing?

It is the same thing. The string is transmitted with the NMEA strings, so it is computed by the RS2, not by FG


The units and case are smaller than shown so I was suprised how small they were . I guess you have to have a known size beside it :grin::smile:


Just got both mine unpacked and about charged (they were about 75-80% charged out of the box), late this afternoon.

Managed to get them onto my WiFi and the firmware updated then had to dash out, so popped both cases into an overnight bag. They are tiny aren’t they!!

Chucked a data collector with FG in the bag, I’ll be doing some “config” and “testing” on the train to London while I down a few very similar tinnies!! :smiley:


Well I was a bit far from my own base (118 km) to get a fix but I found a nearby free RTK2go stream, so hooked her up and got a fix in under 10 seconds…not a particularly great location either: sky view is obstructed with an aluminium clad wall about 80cm from the receiver


The webpage images makes you think they are larger…but yes, smaller is better, especially when lugging around or traveling. Good job Emlid.


@tatiana.andreeva, If I backorder right now what is the expected time frame? I need a set for a new superintendent and need to decide which direction I am going to go. Thanks!


Hi Michael,

Reach RS2 is in stock now! I believe it should also be available from your local dealer

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after months of waiting is already on its way