I had a similar problem yesterday. Only 345 out of an expected 383 event marks.
I would really like to be able to pull out the time stamps directly from the .obs file, to eliminate other causes and get a definitive count for the time stamps.
If the Emlid RTKpost is not able to get a solution for a timestamp it skips that event in the output, which causes issues if not enough data was available for RTK float or fix solutions. I have been combining the kinematic results with event messages from processing in single mode, which has always up to now produced a full set of time stamps.
@igor.vereninov did state:
‘As a workaround you could get a full list of events by searching the .obs file for " 5 0". I can see 344 events in RINEX file that you have uploaded.’
in this thread, but I do not find that string in my .obs files?
Either way, it would really help when trouble shooting this sort of issue to be able to extract the event time stamp data directly. Even with poor satellite logs useful geotags could then be reconstructed by interpolation.