Stakeout for free? Check this out, for example:
This is a free software, which I developed and offered to all users in this community.
It enables Emlid Receivers to transfer coordinates to Topcon totalstations. This way I am able to use the Topcon Software for line stakeout. Unfortunately I have to perform a resection of the total station every time I want to stake out.
I was hoping for an upgrade of the ReachView app for a long time and expected my totalstation to become obsolet eventually. In this forum, the linework feature was promised many times. But it has always been kept secret, that this feature will be protected by a paywall, which is affordable for professional users only. This is the perfect way to disappoint customers.
I understand Emlid, they want to earn money. The pricing of Emlid products was the reason for its success in the early days. Looks like this is over now.