Did some testing last evening and this morning.
Both the M2 and LoRa had their own power supply. I put a T in the M2’s TX line to a TTL to RS232 adapter which was connected to my laptop monitoring it with Realterm terminal program Hex/38400. At first all I got was garbage from the M2. I then remembered from the LM-210 design guide from Globalsat that all settings are applied at 9600 baud. I changed Realterm to 9600 and got data.
I can now see which values change the freq and Kb/s. I do not want to change the baud rate as the M2 uses 38400 I have to assume that so is the RS2.
M2 TX monitored at 9600 baud 902/18.23
FF 4C CF 55 A1 57 F1 0D C3 70 00 05 07 05 00 05 0D C3 70 05
change to 9.11
FF 4C CF 55 A1 57 F1 0D C3 70 00 04 07 05 00 05 0D C3 70 05
change to 4.56
FF 4C CF 55 A1 57 F1 0D C3 70 00 03 07 05 00 05 0D C3 70 05
change to 2.6
FF 4C CF 55 A1 57 F1 0D C3 70 00 02 07 05 00 05 0D C3 70 05
The Kb/s follows Globalsat’s standard config of 0x00 to 0x05. 0x00=0.81K, 0x01=1.46K, 0x02=2.6K, 0x03=4.56K, 0x04=9.11K and 0x05=18.23Kbps
M2 TX monitored at 9600 baud 902/18.23
FF 4C CF 55 A1 57 F1 0D C3 70 00 05 07 05 00 05 0D C3 70 05
Change freq from 902.0 to 902.1
FF 4C CF 55 A1 57 F1 0D C3 D4 00 05 07 05 00 05 0D C3 D4 05
902.1 to 902.2
FF 4C CF 55 A1 57 F1 0D C4 38 00 05 07 05 00 05 0D C4 38 05
FF 4C CF 55 A1 57 F1 0D C4 9C 00 05 07 05 00 05 0D C4 9C 05
I then set it to 915 (Globalsat default looking for 0D F6 38 from the guide)
FF 4C CF 55 A1 57 F1 0D F6 38 00 05 07 05 00 05 0D F6 38 05
Since the guide doesn’t give the different values for all the frequency settings, I will have to change to each one and learn the value of each.
My next test is to power down everything and then connect the TX line from the LoRa to the TTL to RS232 converter which will connect to my Trimble Monitor and see if the setting remain in the radio as mentioned in the other thread
If it does, then my Trimble monitor should go to fix. If so, my 3rd party radio setup should be simple without divulging any of Emlid’s proprietary data. I would put a T in the RX line of the LoRa connect it to a Nano so I can change freq/Kb/s via a USB cable and a laptop.
I am also mentioning this in the other thread in hopes, I can get DirtyHarry and jake.harders back into the conversation since they had worked on it in the past.