Javad Delta and Reach Base Station

I swear I had this working, I want to use a Reach as a base station and a Javad Delta as a rover. A couple of weeks ago I was just farting around not taking notes and I used a raw tcp connection to sync the two and get a fix. Then I switched the two and fixed. Now that I want to I can’t duplicate the results. Is it possible to do this, or was I dreaming?

The Delta is L1/L2/GPS/GLONAS both have the latest firmware.

Also, I’m getting messages on the Javad but it stays in a stand alone position. Here is a simple report from the Reach:

Simple system report
app version: 2.11.0-r0
'wifi_status, interface: wlan0':
- Client state
- IP address:
  mac address: fc:db:b3:90:77:ce
  ssid: City Aluminum 2.4GHz
base mode:
  base coordinates:
    accumulation: '0.1'
    antenna offset:
      east: '0'
      north: '0'
      up: '0'
    - '0'
    - '0'
    - '0'
    format: llh
    mode: single-and-hold
    enabled: true
    format: rtcm3
    path: tcpsvr://:9000#rtcm3
    type: tcpsvr
  rtcm3 messages:
      enabled: true
      frequency: '1'
      enabled: true
      frequency: '0.1'
      enabled: false
      frequency: '1'
      enabled: true
      frequency: '1'
      enabled: false
      frequency: '1'
      enabled: false
      frequency: '1'
      enabled: false
      frequency: '1'
      enabled: false
      frequency: '1'
      enabled: false
      frequency: '1'
      enabled: false
      frequency: '1'
      enabled: false
      frequency: '1'
      enabled: false
      frequency: '1'
  discoverable: false
  enabled: false
  pin: '***'
  duty cycle: 20
  enable: false
  period: 2
  polarity: true
correction input:
    enabled: false
    format: rtcm3
    path: dan.may:***@
    send position to base: single
    type: ntripcli
    enabled: false
    format: rtcm3
    path: :9028
    type: tcpsvr
    format: RTCM3
    started: false
    version: null
    format: RTCM3
    started: true
    version: null
  interval: 24
  overwrite: true
    format: UBX
    started: false
    version: null
    format: LLH
    started: false
    version: null
position output:
    enabled: false
    format: llh
    path: :9001
    type: tcpsvr
    enabled: false
    format: llh
    path: :9001
    type: tcpsvr
    enabled: true
    format: llh
    path: :2014
    type: tcpsvr
    enabled: true
    format: llh
    path: :2015
    type: tcpsvr
rtk settings:
  elevation mask angle: '15'
  glonass ar mode: 'off'
  gps ar mode: fix-and-hold
  max horizontal acceleration: '1'
  max vertical acceleration: '1'
  positioning mode: kinematic
  positioning systems:
    compass: false
    galileo: false
    glonass: true
    gps: true
    qzs: true
    qzss: true
    sbas: true
  snr mask: '35'
  update rate: '5'

Is there any reason why and L1/L2 receiver couldn’t get a fix from an L1 only base station?

Hi @dan.may,

Make sure that you send all needed RTCM3 messages for Javad and check the minimum required set.

I’m sure I am sending the proper RTCM3 messages but what do you mean by “minimum required set”?

Curious, is it better to have the Reach RS (L1 only) as the ROVER or the BASE? And vice-versa for the L1/L2 receiver? I guess the ROVER would perform better (faster fix etc) if L1/L2? Or should the BASE be L1/L2? I assume benefit would come from ROVER as L1/L2? Just curious is all. ; )

HA! Look at the MENU! ADD! ADD! ADD!!! CHA CHING CHA EFFING CHING!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Heck yea they’re ridiculously expensive, that’s why we’re looking at the Reach as a base station. It took me 9 months to convince these guys that Reach can do it and I swear I had it working a couple of weeks ago as mentioned in my original post but I didn’t take notes and I can’t make it work now. Both devices get a fix from separate base stations but they won’t fix with each other.

I’m not ready to give up yet.

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Hi @dan.may,

Have you resolved your problem?

Not yet. Any thoughts? I did check the messages and it seems the Reach it sending the minimum required set to the Javad.

@dan.may, could you check the documentation of your receiver for the minimum required set of RTCM messages? Does your receiver support RTCM3?

If you once had a connection between Reach and Javad, I think that some settings accidentally have been changed. I would recommend you to reset each device and try to set them from the scratch.

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If I set the min ratio to fix AR to 1.0 it will fix but the elevation looks wrong. At the default 3.0 it won’t fix. Attached is a screenshot with error messages

The Javad and the Reach are sending the same messages to RTKLIB. Both antennas are on the same roof. They’re the same antennas.

Okay, it fixed. The Javad was using the public CORS network in my area and already had a fix. Once I disconnected from the public correction network RTKLIB shows a fixed position.

Okay it switched back to a float position and the error message says "ambiguity resolution failed (nb=9 ratio=1.02 s=53915.97/55100.70)

Even though it’s in a float position my height reading is tighter than it was when it was fixed only fluctuation .005 of a meter or so.

Can you let me know if you get this working.

As per other threads I have now tried using a Reach RS as a base with a Topcon AGI-4, a Leica GR50 and a ComNav T300 all setup as rovers (or at least to receive RTCM3.x corrections) and none of them can get an RTK fix (or even float) with a Reach RS at the base.

The reverse works fine, with Reach RS acting as a rover with an L1/L2 base albeit the time to get a fix is slow(er) and less stable than with another Reach at the base

This was tested using 2.11.0 not sure if the 2.14.0 update has changed anything…

I got frustrated and took a break from this. I tried everything and I remember that there was an AR setting in RTKLIB that I would set to 1000 or so and I could get the Emlid to fix but the elevation was off about 100 feet between the two receivers.

Could it be that the receivers are using two different geoid models?

Hi @dan.may,

Reach supports only WGS84 ellipsoid height. If you want to use your geoid model, you need to transform values.

@andrew.yushkevich Right, I was wondering if maybe the equipment I was using was using a different model. I haven’t looked yet.

Hi @dan.may,

Did you get a chance to make more tests?

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