I can't access my reach

Hi, This night I can’t access my reach, When I connected to my powerbank, the last led is red. Then I try to ssh, set the IPv4 and
But I still can’t access my reach. The led now is solid red.
I need help @igor.vereninov @egor.fedorov @bide @TB_RTK


Did you try to power it off and on?

I hsve try it

And after reboot it shows red LED?

Wait, I plug it out

Still red after passed blue, white, cyan, then green for three second, then solid red

You might have experienced the same issue as here:

We already have a fix for it, but now you will need to reflash the unit or fix per instructions in the post.

What is the password for reach, I try to access it with putty

root / emlidreach

How to restart ReachView with root?
ps | grep server.py
784 root 2656 S grep server.py

Just reboot it

Can I reboot it with putty?

No, as it is not able to turn itself on. You can cycle power.

Okey sir, now I’m reflashing reach. I hope it’s work. Thank you for your guidance.


I can’t flash my reach…

Unplug and replug usb to reach

That’s correct.
My Reach is back…:heart_eyes: