How is the tilt compensation stored?

Im thinking of buying the Emlid Reach RS3 with tilt compensation. Can someone tell me how the compensation (angle and heading) is stored in the export file.

When i export an csv file i have the fields Longitude, Latitude and Ellipsoid height. Are these the coordinates/height of the sensor or of the ground point (with the offset (Lengh of pole, angle and heading)

Or is the Lat/Long the sensor and the Offset is included in Easting and Northing?

May can someone share the first two lines of the csv?

Like these I have from Emlid Reach RX

Name,Code,Easting,Northing,Elevation,Description,Longitude,Latitude,Ellipsoidal height,Origin,Easting RMS,Northing RMS,Elevation RMS,Lateral RMS,Antenna height,Antenna height units,Solution status,Correction type,Averaging start,Averaging end,Samples,PDOP,GDOP,Base easting,Base northing,Base elevation,Base longitude,Base latitude,Base ellipsoidal height,Baseline,Mount point,CS name,GPS Satellites,GLONASS Satellites,Galileo Satellites,BeiDou Satellites,QZSS Satellites

1,,30000.321,200000.920,700.500,,15.76391740,49.41022325,802.732,Global,0.230,0.210,0.571,0.312,1.945,m,SINGLE,RTK,2025-02-09 14:54:52.8 UTC+01:00,2025-02-09 14:54:57.8 UTC+01:00,26,1.1,1.3,,,,,,,0.000,APOS_VRS32_GRID2021,MGI / Austria GK Central (2021) + GHA height,,,,,

Thx for helping

Hi Stefan,

Welcome to our forum!

The coordinates in the CSV file correspond to actual locations on the ground. When you enter the pole height, Emlid Flow automatically adds the antenna offset. Our support tip might help clarify things further. Please note that only the base position reflects the antenna’s position inside the device.

If you collect points with a tilt, the coordinates are already tilt-compensated. So, the tilt angle is factored in before the points are stored. The CSV file will just include an extra column with this info.


Very helpful, thanks Inkar.
Is there any way to implement a system with dynamic heights with the tilt compensation, such that the heights can vary with an input stream?

This would be extremely useful for mobile applications.

If it is possible to post-process acquired points (e.g. 1Hz for 1 hour = 3600 points), this would also be worthwhile, if there is a workflow.

I can store the dynamic heights and apply them to the Emlid points (including tilt comp) in post, if there is any hope of that possibility.

Thanks and best.

Hi @geohawk,

I’m glad the info was helpful!

Are you looking to adjust point heights after collecting them with a tilt, or do you need real-time height calculations based on the tilt angle? Could you also share a bit more about your use case?