Help setting Navio up, no telemetry connection

Exact same output as my picture when I only do ArduCopter-hexa with the radio un-plugged. It gives the RC not calibrated message after 20 seconds. Is it possible something on the board is bad?

A few questions,

  1. Are you using Windows?
  2. Do you use APMplanner or Missionplanner?
    (I recommend Missionplanner)
  3. Did you ever get UDP telemetry to work?
  4. Please post a picture of your telemetry radios
  5. and your cable connection between Navio and the radio

Yes Iā€™m using Windows and APM planner, hereā€™s a pic

I never got the UDP telemetry to work either(I went ahead and bought the 3DR radios instead) though Iā€™ll try it after work tomorrow to make sure it wasnā€™t something I got wrong at first.
So is the text supposed to be slightly messed up when running even just ArduCopter-xx with no telemetry?
For the record I get solid green on both radios and even have the Tx flashing red (and the amber light on the Rx) at times which means they are communicating

I hope that does not sound rude, but if you ask for help, you must read the answers you get.
I few posts ago, Mikhail postet a quote:

You only have to connect 4 wires between Navio UART and 3dr radio. You only need TX, RX, +5V and Ground. The other two pins in the UART connector are GPIO pins from the RPi and they do not do what the 3dr radio expects.
If you look at your picture, remove cables 4 and 5 counting from the left (red wire is 1) Take a sharp knife and carefully lift the tiny plastic strips that hold the cables in the DF13 connectors (plug it out first, of course). Or simply cut cable 4 and 5.
That way your hardware connection should be ok.
I still recommend using Missionplanner on Windows, because APMplanner is still missing a few features and does not allow to configure network connections (as much as I know).
The text in the console is messed up, because the console does not recognize the coding of some characters APM sends, I guess.

I mentioned a few days ago I donā€™t have that problem actually, in the thread it mentions that the extra wires causes it to go into boot loader mode which is a solid red LED. I only had that happen once when I plugged it in while Navio was powered up, hadnā€™t happened since. The way mikhailavkhimenia responded it seemed it wouldnā€™t be a problem if itā€™s not going into boot loader mode. Even running ArduCopter with no telemetry and the radio un-plugged I get the same error message, I donā€™t get any info output to the console. Tired -quad with the same result

You get that message because you need to connect to GCS and calibrate RC, after that it will go away.

Is that a first time set up thing or every time? I guess fixing the telemetry problem would fix that then, Iā€™ll try UDP when I get home later. As far as the radios go Iā€™ll try using the USB port instead of uart. If that works fine then Iā€™ll cut the wires, maybe going into boot loader mode isnā€™t the only problem

RC needs to be calibrated only once.

I use the private IP address not the longer public one, right? getting a ā€˜read failed-connection refusedā€™ when I try UDP is there something PC side I didnā€™t set up right? Also trying mission planner like you said, it should catch the telemetry automatically? Iā€™ll mess with some settings later to try to make it work

If you is me, then no, I did say APMplanner catches it automatically, Missionplanner handles UDP as a configurable connection.
Public or private IP addresses are not distinguished by their length.

A subnet ( private IPv4 adresses ranges from to

B subnet ( -

C subnet ( -

If the IP you are trying to use does not fall in one of the above ranges, it is not a private IP. One exception, if it starts with 169.254.x.x, then you have a general network problem.

Under the UDP config for APM planner the remote communication target the the Raspberry Pi, right? I like the features missionplanner has but it keeps freezing occasionally so till I figure this out Iā€™ll use APM planner I think

Ok well I know I was using the wrong IP address before found the right one but still no luck. Iā€™ve tried both ArduCopter-hexa -A udp:192.168.x.xx:14550 and ArduCopter-hexa -C /dev/ttyAMA0
*both with sudo before it of course

When activating the AMA0 one the radio starts transmitting data and I can see the Rx radio is receiving it but APM planner still isnā€™t picking it up and I have it set to the right com port/ baud rate

sudo ArduCopter-hexa -A udp:ā€œAPMplannerPC-IPā€:14550

No need to configure anything in APMplanner.

I see they added a Commuinication tab in the latest version, or I did not notice it before.
UDP justs sends out the telemetry to the receiving end. The receiving GCS running on a PC/Tablet/Smartphone etc. just has to listen on all its IP addresses and the right port. If the GCS software recognizes a telemetry stream, it picks it up and shows the data. APMplanner and Missionplanner just follow different approaches. APMplanner listens all the time, with Missionplanner you have to press connect and it starts listening.

So I donā€™t need to add a connection in the connection tab for it to pick it up properly?
I know my computer was giving me issues with not giving applications admin permission a year or two ago, could it be something like that?
I know Iā€™m doing it right and the fact that both donā€™t work might mean they both have to do with one issue, I know the radios are initializing right and transmitting info. I tried using the Android app too but I canā€™t get the radios to connect solid green with that so wasnā€™t doing it right.

forgot to do the serial communication test with that program and it does send info successfully so I know for sure itā€™s not the radios now itā€™s PC side.

Edit- I feel a bit stupid I never thought to put 57600 after /dev/ttyAMA0 and now it works! No live telemetry yet but I get a connected status from APM planner and mission planner, just need to do the set up now. Thanks for all the help yā€™all have been really responsive and patient, I have some pretty cool projects in mind having to do with software defined radios. p.s. of course itā€™s been raining the past 2 weeks and will be for at least another week, oh well lol

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