Help! I'm lost! Using an RX with an RS2+ base without NTRIP

I have been using an RX rover with an RS2+ base for about 1 1/2 years now. I can’t use NTRIP because I’m not able to connect my base or rover to a reliable network (too far out in the country). Admittedly it has been awhile since I last set things up, but today was a disaster. I set up my RS2+ over a benchmark and manually entered the benchmark position. Emlid flow connects fine to base.

I then connect to the RX rover over bluetooth and it is clearly not connecting to the base at all. I can’t do my survey because I can’t get a “fix” level of precision. Base station information is not showing up on the rover screen in Emlid Flow, so I’m assuming they’re not talking over loran. Emlid’s web page kept sending me to “page not found” when I sought help.

Does anyone out there have a workflow where I can use the RS2+ as a base station over a known point and the Rx as the rover without NTRIP??? What’s the process to make this work now and has it changed in the past year?

Unfortunately, the RX doesn’t have an internal radio. It is designed to work exclusively with internet access to a NTRIP server.


You’ll have to get another RS2/RS2+ or RS3 that has built in LoRa radios. Or hobble together a M2 with external LoRa radio and antenna. Or if you have a old RS/RS+ you could use that but lower with single band corrections to get the job done.

Maybe Starlink?


Elon Musk is your friend :grinning:


Then why does Emlid sell the RX and the RS2+ as a package, and why do they seem to indicate that they can be used together? This seems to imply that the RS2+ can communicate with the RX, but is this only over a cellular network, not over loran? I am so confused. I’m also a bit surprised because a year ago the RX and the RS2+ seemed to communicate fine and I got excellent results in the same field area without NTRIP. What do you think is going on here?

Nothing is “going on” here.

You can set up a RS2+ as your own BASE instead of relying on someone elses BASE that may have extra cost or at the mercy of that BASE. i.e. at your facility and use a RX or multiple via NTRIP to collect / stake points via your own RS2+ BASE.
No LoRa, unless you use another RS/RS+/RS2/RS2+/RS3, or M+/M2 with LoRa radios.

Lots of options. So scamming or false advertising. Check out Trimble or Leica if you want get roped in where they suck your wallet dry and then some.


Hi @hicksonresearch,

I agree with the guys. Reach RX is an RTK rover specifically designed for surveying in areas with good cell and NTRIP coverage. You can use your Reach RX in one of these scenarios:

  • Connect Reach RX to any public NTRIP service. Emlid Flow uses the Internet connection on your phone or tablet to access NTRIP corrections and send them to Reach RX over Bluetooth.

  • Use Reach RS2+ as a base and free Emlid Caster as a way to send the corrections for Reach RX. You’ll need to provide both units with an internet connection.

If you’re working in a remote area, there’s no other way than to use a setup over LoRa radio. For such cases, you should use a pair of Reach receivers; all models except Reach RX support the LoRa radio. Our Reach RS2+ vs Reach RX comparison post might give more clarity.


i dont know the specs for the RX…if the rx save a rinex file, you could try a stop and go, you know, pos processing the data in office with emlid studio. thus, having a work around when u have no cell coverage.

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I do not think the RX has logging capabilities for post processing.

But that is actually a great idea for the RS2+ the OP has, to do this!

Here’s your :trophy: @Diego_a !


I am so confused. I’m also a bit surprised because a year ago the RX and the RS2+ seemed to communicate fine and I got excellent results in the same field area without NTRIP

Never heard of , RX does not have the possibilty to recieve corrections alone except through your device ntrip running the flow app.


You could also try 3G celular network. 4G and 5G are super fast, but dont reach so far and cant pass throght obstacules easlly. i have used 3G successfully in places with poor coverage (you can select the prefered network in your smartphone). Ntrip corrections dont use a lot of data, but corrections must be on time. i think 3G is more than enough.

P.S. having a bunch of different sim cards doesn’t hurt, don’t forget a paper clip to change the cards thouh.

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This is the clearest explanation I’ve heard so far about the differences between the set-ups. Thank you so much. I cannot figure out why I was able to survey with my Rx a year ago and can no longer do it. That will remain a mystery. But I now see that the RX is only functional with a base station and in areas with good cell coverage. RX “standalone” mode does not actually mean “standalone” if it requires a base station.


@davehofer1993: yeah, this is a mystery. I cannot explain it at all. It’s as if the Rx was on cellular and was still somehow communicating with the RS base, even though the base didn’t have cell service. Via its internal wifi? No idea.

At any rate, I purchased a second RS2+ today, as well as a sim card, and will test things this weekend.


If you where close together then yes it could work with the reachs wifi and using local ntrip . no cellular needed


You are correct, the RX does not have logging capabilities. Probably because of the size, they most likely ran out of room to install one I’m guessing.

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Thomas, you understand that in the case where there is no cellular service, the Emlid RS2+ receivers will “talk” to each other over the built in LoRa radios and the SIM will be superfluous, correct? Of course you can use the SIM elsewhere where there is a 4G service available. And in that case, you can also use your RX over Emlid Caster.

How close is your benchmark to your survey area? If it’s within 100’, it is possible that all of your devices were connected to the same network in which case, Local NTRIP would work. No internet is required, only that all devices are on the same local network.


OP will prob have the next issues seen too many times here with the sim card(s).

Something about USA sunset 3G. Heard may still be able to use very old 2G for some reason though??? Not sure. Seems best to just use phone hotspot if service or a mifi hotspot device.

@dpitman: Yes, I get that I won’t need a SIM for two RS2+ receivers. I’ll only need the SIM when working with the RX. Now, to see if the SIM card works. I"m going to test out Mint Mobile.


I use a hotpot on my phone. You don’t have to spend an additional amount on cellular service if you’re using the receiver on an RTN. It’s always worked great for me, just make sure your hotpot is on before you turn on the receiver. It’ll be the first network it sees and you won’t have any connection issues.


@EBE111057: Wait wait wait. I thought I had it all sussed out and that I understood your prior replies completely, and now this?! I want to be very clear here so that I’m not left totally confused again. If I’m using an RX rover with an RS2+ base, are you saying that I only need to have one of them on the cellular network? If so, which one? The rover or the base? When you say “receiver,” which receiver do you mean? Or are you somehow referring back to a set up with an RS2+ rover and base? If it’s this situation, can you explain? The emlid docs seems to indicate that, if I want to use an RX, I must have internet connectivity on both base and rover. But your last post suggests that I only need one hotspot. Can you clarify, please?