I also need to use the IMU as a logger and found this to work:
- Download that zip, scp it over to your reach with “scp MPUtest-master.zip root@YOUR.REACH.IP.HERE:/home/root”
- SSH to the reach as user root with password emlidreach
- Unzip the file and cd into the directory
- make
- sudo ./MPUtest
That will just spew the data out. At this point I was happy enough with that and just redirected it to a file. Or one could pipe it somewhere else. Or write better and optimized c++ code. Mine’s still a work in progress, so that’s as far as I’ve gone so far. I did add a printout of the time to my version.
I did notice that I didn’t get any magnetometer data until I upgraded the reach firmware from 1.2 to 2.3, so you may need to update. That’s the firmware, not reachview. My units are firmware 2.3 with reachview version 2.2.7.