France - vertical-datum | UPDATE RAF20

Just wanted to let you know France has recently released an update of its Geoid model called RAF20

it is officially the geoid model to be used especially when working in RTK in France
Would you please let us know when that RAF20 grid will be available in ReachView ?

(that post is linked to the below one
France - vertical-datum |UPDATE RAF18b)

Hi Antoine,

Seems like the RAF18b release was not that long ago, though :see_no_evil:

I get your request. We’ve taken note of it. This may be a tricky thing to add, though. Is it possible to use the NGF-IGN69 height vertical datum (based on RAF18 geoid) for now?

Hi Polina,
The difference between the RAF18b and the RAF20 are at the région site where we can find the difference over than 10cm.
Can you add the possibility to import a tiff geoid in reachview?
I have generated this new tiff géoid with Métashape when I have imported the IGN grid conversion file.

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Hi Patrice,

Welcome to the forum and thanks for the comments!

I see, it’s usually preferable to work with the latest versions of the geoid, of course. We get that. Still, there are certain things that wouldn’t let us update the data as fast as we’d like. I’ll keep you in the loop on it!

Regarding the manual geoid addition, I’d have to double-check with the devs. However, at the moment, I’d say we don’t have it in the nearest plans. This functionality is complicated and full of layers so we may need more time to get through with it.

[Edit] Fixed some typos

Hi Polina,
maybe that Patrice’s nice suggestion could be feasible in EMLID STUDIO ?

Hi Antoine,

That’s good notice, of course! For now, we don’t plan to add this functionality to the Emlid Studio. But I’ll definitely transfer it to the devs.

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