Just chiming in so I get updates.
My machinery barn looks just like yours - even the same colour and window style. I’d love to locate my base just like yours, but I have 150ft high maple trees right behind it, so I don’t think it’s a good place for my base.
If only your base was an rs2 (or weatherized M2) you wouldn’t have to worry about the format. I just plugged in my LLH and antenna height directly and good to go. I have zero experience but my limited work suggests that the reach is awesome too!
Any chance you have a maintained monument nearby? NRCan maintains a database for these monuments with exact locations that you can use to walk back to your location. It worked like a charm for me. You already posted on that thread but here is a link for your convenience. If you use their database, make sure you access it with a pc - not a smart phone.
I have not played with uploaded files or post processing yet. But I sense that we are a lot alike. It will happen soon enough.