Emlid M2 Integration to Mission Planner Not Working

I’ve been trying to integrate the Emlid Reach M2 into Ardupilot for RTK, but I’m having some issues. I am using an NTRIP connection to send updates to the RTK module, but when I try to inject GPS into MP, the Emlid goes silent and stops receiving corrections and disconnects from the internet while MP says connection attempt failed. When I unplug it from the pixhawk and cycle the power, it will start working fine again.

The M2 is connected to NTRIP and receives corrections, but as soon as I click connect on MP, it goes silent, all lights turning off on the M2 except for the orange light.

I followed this page exactly for the parameters, so if I need to change these parameters since I’m using NTRIP, please let me know: ArduPilot Integration | RTK Modules

But, I’m not 100% confident that I have all the parameters right since I’m using NTRIP.

For Correction Input: Using NTRIP with all of my NTRIP provider settings
Base Output: TCP Server, localhost:9000

Also, for some reason, my telemetry radio connected to my flight controller stopped receiving power and I didn’t touch anything to do with the radio connection.

Hi Truett,

Welcome to the forum!

It sounds like the issue might be power-related. If only the orange LED stays on, it usually means the M2 isn’t getting enough power. Pixhawk may not always provide sufficient power for Reach, so I’d recommend using an external power source. You can power the M2 through the JST-GH ports (S1 or S2) or via the micro-USB port. For operating, 5V is required.

Also, I’d like to clarify that Reach doesn’t re-transmit NTRIP corrections. It’ll send its own corrections. Instead of using Base Output, try enabling Position Streaming to send the solution to your autopilot.

Could you share more details about your setup and steps? That way, I can better understand what’s happening and help you sort it out.


My setup for powering the M2 is from the Pixhawk’s servo rail which gives our about 5V. There are other things using the servo rail, so I’m not sure how the power distribution works. But I also don’t understand how it would be a power issue if all I’m doing is injecting the GPS into Mission Planner. That seems like it shouldn’t be using any more volts than it already was. I could be wrong though.

I could use an external power source straight from the PDB (power distribution board) that would give the M2 25V, but I think I would need some sort of step down. Let me know what you think about whether or not I should just give it 25V or use a step down (and please give link to a good step down)

When I would inject the GPS, like I said before, all lights would turn off except the orange and then MP (mission planner) would say connection timed out because it couldn’t find any GPS.

For my parameters on MP, I just strictly followed the parameters changes from the article I sent before, so if you need to know, just look at that article. For my Emlid flow, see the screenshots for my setup there.

If I’m missing anything, check that article I sent before, and that’s exactly what I did.