I’m in the process of setting up a larger NTRIP network in Scandinavia where we are going to use several hundreds of Emlid Reach RS2 as base stations.
Are you planning to make it possible to control individual user access?
I’m in the process of setting up a larger NTRIP network in Scandinavia where we are going to use several hundreds of Emlid Reach RS2 as base stations.
Are you planning to make it possible to control individual user access?
Several hundreds… Wow! Care to share some details about it (pm maybe)?
I am Scandinavian too (Norway)
Being in Denmark, I would also like to know more!
Hi TB_RTK and wizprod. I don’t know how to write a private message here, but feel free to contact me on or on WhatsApp
Finally I get connected, but without fixing ? I have two RS+ machines base and rover working fine without NTRIP.
Hi Mohamed,
Please share the screenshot of the Correction input tab. Click on the arrow in the right bottom corner of the window to display the list of receiving RTCM3 messages.
I have made the connection successfully, tomorrow I am going to test it with a distance of 20 km with RS2. Greetings from Loja, Ecuador.
the address is:, not the IP
can you clarify on position accuracy of a point 60km away. is it still in 2-3 cm in accuracy? or do we take into consideration the published accuracy of the unit which is about 14mm + 1 PPM which comes out to ~~8cm if my math is correct.
maybe you can add a translation to legacy rtcm3 messages in the caster?
See here for more info
Hey Juan,
The accuracy of RTK receivers does not really depend on the type of correction link (as long as the link is properly configured), but the distance between the receivers matters.
Basically for the corrections to work well, the receivers need to be under the same part of the sky. That way they are both affected by the same signal delays in the atmosphere. The further the receivers are from each other, the more different the conditions will be for them and that leads to the corrections being less effective.
So yeah, we do have to take the published accuracy into consideration.
which is about 14mm + 1 PPM which comes out to ~~8cm if my math is correct.
That’s about right, except 14mm is our vertical accuracy. As per our docs, the horizontal accuracy is 7mm + 1 ppm, which should come to 67 mm for 60 km baseline.
Edited the post to correct a wrong statement.
Hi @vgo195,
Interesting idea, noted. Do you think you could the caster questionnaire for us and provide some more details on your workflow?
Hey @ankrila,
Sorry for the late reply. We are currently considering many different ways to expand the Caster’s functionality. It would help us a lot if you answered the questions in our user survey, if you didn’t already.
If you have more ideas or requests, you can PM me at any time.
Hi there!
I am trying to use here in Albania but I am facing this situation: while I am connected to the mount point, baseline shows 0.0m.
Am I doing it correctly?
Thank you!
The age of differential is 58 sec and that means that the rover doesn’t receive the corrections.
Maybe something is wrong with your setup. Does your rover have access to internet?
Yes it does. It works perfectly with local ntrip.
When i change settings to, it shows float.
Whatever i just wanted to try it.
Its not a problem for me.
Same here (North of Germany). The Emlid Caster do not work. Maybe it is too far away?
Hi @ASH and @Nordstern,
Could you please share the Base mode tab screenshots from your bases? It’ll help us check if all of the configurations are okay there.
Hey @Nordstern,
I think it’s important to note that Emlid Caster is not a correction service. It’s a convenient way to pass corrections from one of your receivers to another. So in order for it to work, you’ll need a receiver that will act as a base.