Configuring M2 Output

Hi, I am new integrating Emlid devices. I have used RS2+ for surveying though. I have the M2 connected in a robot vehicle (ROS2) via micro USB. M2 is receiving corrections via NTRIP. For some reason, data from M2 is not being saved. The serial configuration is as follow: USB to PC, rate: 115200, format LLH. I have also tried the Arduino configuration shown here: ArduPilot Integration | RTK Modules

  • What is the correct configuration? The data is being saved in a .db3 format.
  • Will the data always be saved, or only when there is a FIX solution?

Hi Jose,

Welcome to our Community Forum.

The data on the receivers should be saved in all the solutions (fix, float, or single). This will be recorded on the M2 logs.

For the Arduino configurations, we can’t provide a specific configuration because it is a third-party custom setup, so we can’t offer one specific configuration for your case.