rs+ base and rover: im trying to proceses stop and go points, for which i need the rinex data log from base and rover antennas. no data to download is shown both in web browser and phone. and now, after update both antennas, im gettintg error “502 bad gateway” after looking the log tab and can`t connect at all with one of my devices.
Hi @Diego_a,
Looks like an unusual case, let’s investigate.
Do you use a Reach hotspot or an external Wi-Fi network to connect to RS+? Please check if the issue is reproducible both ways.
Please double-check that you’re using the latest version of the Emlid Flow.
If the steps above won’t help, send a Full System report to We don’t recommend sharing a report on a forum as it contains sensitive information.
it happend whith hotspot and wi-fi networks. using emlid version 9.3, 2 different android phones. i cant connect to the device to generate a Full system report.
Can you confirm that you can’t connect to the Reach Panel either? Or simply can’t download any logs?
Does the LED on the RS+ indicate that the unit is in hotspot or Wi-Fi mode?
cant connect via web browser: error 502. leds indicate wi-fi mode.
Is it possible to connect to Reach via BLE? To activate the BLE option, tap on the profile icon in the bottom right corner really fast about 10 times (until the menu appears). If you can connect that way, please download the Simple System report and send it to us at
BLE simply does not work with this rs+ antennas.however, i was able to get a connection after an hour. full report was send to support
Thank you for the report, I got it!
Let me look at it and get back to you once I have any updates.
I found a work around to download data from RS+. Trying to connect the devices work in the end, just needed time, a lot, but work nontheless.
in the attach image you will a few steps, using Filezilla, to download data from Rs+ devices
in short, use the follow credentials in filezilla to download files:
User; reach
Password: emlidreach
Port: 22
this is an alternative to download data, im still unable to see files using a web browser in the “loggin” tab. i have tried different browsers, PCs and android phones ass shown in the follow image
I hope this post help if anyone have a similar problem.
I am glad to hear that you have found a workaround. Since you’re still experiencing issues with the Logging tab, I’d like to investigate this further. Let me know if you have time to continue our troubleshooting.
I would like to try this solution because my rs2+ will not connect to wifi- but I also can’t try this solution because my Emlid won’t connect to any wifi not even to my laptop. Is there a way to transfer data using usb?
Hi @ds9005009 I see that you’ve created a new thread regarding this question, and my colleague has already provided a response there. To keep the communication in one place, let’s continue the conversation in that thread. Thank you!