Bluetooth connection with android phone to use ntrip app with corrections from a network in portugal

Hello. I want to know that if it is possible to use reach connected by Bluetooth with my cellphone running ntrip app that use the corrections from a network in Portugal called renep. If yes what kind of accuracy can I achieve?
Many thanks.

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Reach does not support corrections from bluetooth yet…
Cm accuray is possible with other methods ofc.

Other ways to get corrections -

Hello again. Thank you very much for yoir answer.
Ive checked the link that you provide and as far as ive checked i can link reach to mobilephone to have the internet conection and use my ntric client acount for the network that i have on my country to make the corrections. Am i right?
Basicaly i need to buy one reach receiver with antenna and im good to capture with the mobile phone points with the corrections done. Thats it?

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[quote=“Pedro_Vargues, post:3, topic:4622, full:true”]
Hello again. Thank you very much for yoir answer.
Ive checked the link that you provide and as far as ive checked i can link reach to mobilephone to have the internet conection and use my ntric client acount for the network that i have on my country to make the corrections. Am i right? [/quote]

Yes, but you need some sort of correction data to get cm accuracy or to postprocess later

Why you don’t use WiFi (tcp) or radio for correction? For me, radio and Wi-Fi are enough for sending correction. Wi-Fi is cheap, can send correction in LOS condition until more than 1km, radio little more expensive than WiFi can reach more than 1km based on someone observation in this forum.

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Just testet
Will do some testing later.
DIY portable hotspot & HOWTO send correction through free ntrip to LTE hotspot

Ok… ChatGPT :woozy_face:


Evaluation of NRTK positioning using the RENEP and RAP networks on the Southern border region of Portugal and Spain

  • Published: 27 February 2013

  • Volume 47, pages 52–65, (2012)

Pretty neat subject, although I only read the abstract, it appears it’s no different than comparisons with different states RTN’s. I think this comparison between NC and SC RTN’S was performed in the early days of their networks.

Now I have to hide :smiley:

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to let everyone know that you can now receiver correction from NTRIP over Bluetooth for some Reach receivers (RS+, RS2/RS2+, RS3, and RX). If you still have any questions about the Bluetooth connection, feel free to start a new thread.

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