Base Position Manual Entry

Hello, I am very new to this, I want to get an very accurate position for my Base (Manual Entry). I found a CORS site that is with in 50 miles. Looking at RTKPOST, where does the file from the CORS site go, and which one? Do I have to reformat them? The files I have are as follows: txge.log, txge.18g, txge.18n, txge.18o.



.18o = observations
.18n = gps nav messages
.18g = glonass nav messages

They are the same as:

Load them all into RTKPOST.


Hello Bide, thanks for the response. A few more questions.

  1. Do I have to change the file extensions to .obs, .nav, .gnav to work in RTKPOST?
  2. Do I enter them in the field “RINEX NAV/CLK, SP3, FCB, IONEX, SBS/EMS or RTCM”?
  3. How should the Base be configured to “sit” for an hour, to fill in its logs?



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  1. No need to change file extensions. To be able to choose them, you may need to allow the file open dialog window to look at *.* (all files)
  1. Yes, every file you want to use that is not an observation file goes in the four extra fields. Similar to above you need to set the window to look for all files, otherwise the ones you want might not be visible.
  1. The minimal requirements are to select your satellite systems (GPS,GLO,SBAS,QZSS, etc.) and the update frequency (5Hz, etc.), and make sure the raw log is turned ON.

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Bide, thank you very much for your help. I will be trying this later today.


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Ok, I guess I am missing some key point. I want to get an accurate position for my ‘Base’ unit that I can then enter as the Base position that would be used to correct the Rover. I cannot run RTKPost with out a Rover file. Is my approach incorrect to get what I need?



Ok, I might have figured this out. The file was not unzipped as I thought is was (found that on this forum). I get the app to run and am looking at the output now. It generated two .POS files, one was about 2,835Kb and the other was 1Kb (empty). Going to collect my Base data again, and use a reference site that is closer to my position. I still may not be doing this correctly.



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A post was split to a new topic: Help with getting accurate base coordinate

Hello, is there a good document on how to read the output from RTKPost, that would really be helpful.



Well, I have read through the RTK manual for the Lib. I still need to understand how to find the best coordinates from RTKPlot output to use as my manual entry for my base unit. Any help would be appreciated.



Are you using RTKPLOT?

  1. Open up your position file.
  2. Go: Edit --> Options --> Statistics = ON
  3. Switch your view from “Gnd Trk” to “Position”
  4. Look for the best stable section of your log file. Note the beginning and end time.
  5. Go: Edit --> Time Span/Interval --> and enable Time Start and Time End
  6. Set them to match your notes for beginning and end time.
  7. Switch your view back to “Gnd Trk”
  8. Notice the nice calculated statistics in the top right corner.
  9. Just use those numbers!

Bide, Thank you very much. That really helps and makes sense.

Take Care,


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