ArduRover - no sign of second compass


I am running a Navio2 on a RPi3 connecting to Mission Planner.

When I run ArduRover (pi@navio:~ $ sudo ArduRover -A udp: I get the following message:

Raspberry Pi 2 with BCM2709!

However I don’t see any sign that the LSM9DS1 is being recognised, and there’s no data for a 2nd compass in Mission Planner when I run the calibration procedure. Also, the message above indicates an RPi2 when I am actually running on an RPi 3.

Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong?

I do not think you are doing something wrong. Ardurover always seems to be less up to date than ArduCopter. I am running APM:rover 3.0.0 from Emlid and it does not show the Navios second compass or the external compass from the 3dr GPS+compass module.

Thanks for the confirmation Sebastian

Guys, I’m cross-referencing this thread. Please, look at the instructions! Thanks a lot for noticing once again!